I will never forget your precepts;
through them you give me life.
(Ps 118/119:93)
(Is 45:15-25)13
(Jn 6:41-47)
(Ezr 9:6-15)
1 Cultura: cf. pp. 257 and 281 where reference is made, at least indirectly, to the importance of being cultured even in relation to knowledge of the Bible. Don Alberione would often insist on the need for auxiliary study, in view of the apostolate, more than for a culture that is end in itself: “We have to remember that we must not have too much trust in studies, but do it this way: study as if every good result depended on us, but hope in God because truly it is He who creates the fruits... We have to deal with a world that wants us to present ourselves decorously, like the Priest who preaches from the pulpit. Hence: to write well, to learn languages, style, and above all to be skillful in thought... Our press must bear Jesus: whoever reads it must therefore find in it the way, the truth, and the life” (ER 1, 1935, pp. 107-108).
2 Acts 1:8.
3 1Sm 3:10.
4 St. Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo's example is especially forceful (cf. note 11 of p. 204).
5 Raffigurare (imagine) improper verb for paragonare (compare).
6 Lk 5:1. The Vulgate has: “Cum turbae irruerent in eum ut audirent verbum Dei...”; and the CEI, on v. 2, translates thus: “Mentre... la folla gli faceva ressa intorno per ascoltare la parola di Dio...” The NAB translation: “While the crowd was pressing in on Jesus and listening to the word of God...”
7 Lk 2:51.
8 Lk 7:47.
9 Ps 112/113:1.
10 See note 1 on p. 78.
11 It's from Lk 17:1-2: “He said to his disciples, 'Things that cause sin will inevitably occur, but woe to the person through whom they occur. It would be better for him if a millstone were put around his neck and he be thrown into the sea than for him to cause one of these little ones to sin'
”; cf. Mt 18:7.
12 The quote is from: S. PELLICO, Le mie prigioni (1832), chapters XXIV-XXV.
13 LS indicates “Is. XLV, 15-26.” (Is 45:15-26) In the Vulgata chapter 45 of Isaiah has 26 verses, while in the new translations, 25: verses 23 and 24 are made one as verse 23.