Where to read Holy Scripture
The Holy Bible can be read in schools, before the start of lessons. For one who is already ahead in the study courses, the reading of the Bible must be done every day. It is a light in their hands:
Lucerna in manibus vestris.How many times, during moments of affliction, doubts, difficulties in life, upon taking the Holy Bible one is consoled, enlightened, guided. Lots are thrown there casually, but the Lord guides them so that our eyes see the verse that suits us.
It is said that the very learned St. Alphonsus, when he failed to solve a difficult question, took the Sacred Scripture, opened it by chance, and found there the solution to the question.
In our days, books of piety and devotion have increased in number, but we shall not find any so practical and universal as the Holy Bible: it is for every class of persons, and is useful for any time of life.
He who is on the way to the Press Apostolate, without the Bible, will never understand anything of his divine apostolate. He would be like a Priest without power. What is a priest without power? How can he communicate light and strength to souls if he does not possess them?
One who is called to the Press Apostolate, who does not read and assimilate the divine truths of the Bible, places himself outside of his vocation. He could do some work of apostolate, but it will not be the life of souls. It will be a simple parade, something that is external and nothing more.
How easy it is for one who loves and reads the Holy Bible to understand, follow and penetrate immediately