Your decrees are forever just;
give me discernment that I may live.
(Ps 118/119:144)
(Dt 32:21-27)4
(Mt 18:15-20)
(Tb 3:13ff)5
1 Until now Don Alberione has mentioned individual and social sanctification (p. 14), has spoken about apostolate and social needs (p. 100), and about the family as a cell of society (p. 173).
2 Regarding this important affirmation of Don Alberione, read a pastoral note of the Italian Bishops' Conference (CEI): “Today above all, while the Holy Spirit stimulates us to a “new Evangelization” in the context of the multiplicity of religions and cultures, we are invited to participate in the singular dialogue between biblical Revelation and the various signals that in them God has left of himself. This is part of the duty of inculturating the Word of God of which the Bible is simultaneously the primary testimony, the irreplaceable source of inspiration, and guarantee of fidelity. - Attention to the history of the effects of Scripture either in the Church or in society, on the level of religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural expressions becomes, today, a providential passage to recognizing that “great things the Lord has done for us.” (Ps 125/126:3) He has performed marvelous deeds and still he does it amidst his people, starting from creation till the final fulfillment of salvation.” (La Bibbia nella vita della Chiesa, no. 23)
3 Mt 28:19.
4 LS shows “Deut. XXXII, 21-29,” (Dt 32:21-29) but the Latin text quoted ends with verse 27.
5 This passage corresponds only to the translation that the compiler has with him (Vulgate). There can be problems in finding the same text in other Italian translations. The Greek text of Tobit has come down to us in three different versions. One is in the Sinaitic Codex, and the Vetus Latina comes close to this. The second - used by the Greek Church and is in the Alexandrian and Vatican codexes - appears shorter and is at the same time well edited. The Bible of the CEI follows the (longer) textual type represented by the Sinaitic Codex with sporadic adjustments.