1 This version (Woman, her influence and zeal, St. Paul Editions, Boston, USA, 1964) also had the honor of being briefly reviewed by International Survey (1965), The Priest (August, 1965), Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses, Social Justice and Today's Family - through the efforts of the then Provincial Superior Concetta Belleggia.
2 On this matter, let the many testimonies that Fr. Alberione himself left be noted. All the congregations for women maintain in their documentation explicit references to our book, in relation with their specific mission. To the Pious Disciples: “Beginning that year 1908, I began praying and making others pray so that a religious family of withdrawn life, dedicated to Adoration and to the priestly and liturgical apostolate, may be born. It was then that I wrote the book La donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale, wherein I expressed myself in a manner that was then possible...” (cf. Alle Pie Discepole [APD] 1946-1947, no. 22). In a course of Spiritual Exercises held in June 1947, still to the Pious Disciples, Fr. Alberione literally said: “In 1911 I began to write the book La donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale and I finished it in 1913 in order to shed light on the Pious Disciple as regards her vocation and on vocations” (APD 1946-1947 no. 504). Sr. Joseph Oberto, PD, has extracted numerous passages, at least six, wherein Fr. Alberione speaks explicitly of DA as addressed to the Pious Disciples (cf. APD 1957 no. 105; APD 1958 no. 214; APD 1963 nos. 320, 443; APD 1964 nos. 22-28). One among many references to the Pastorelle Sisters: “Hold on to the constitutions. Your mission is as if Mary's mission, associated with that of Jesus in saving souls. For you I wrote the book: La donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale” (Prediche alle Suore Pastorelle 1950, vol. V, p. 88). In the same manner, speaking to the Apostoline, he said (7 August 1961): “And, hence, the mission: go, preach, teach... Which means: La donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale, a book addressed to all the sisters of the Pauline Family; the foundation is there. And it was written precisely even before the first house was opened...”
3 See note 6.
4 When Fr. Alberione indicates as date of composition of DA a year preceding 1915, he probably refers to the work of gathering the material and the preparation of the book.
5 T. ALBERIONE, Maggiorino Vigolungo. Aspirante all'Apostolato Buona Stampa. Alba, Scuola Tipografica editrice, 1919. The book has had many editions and reprints, at least, 11, and translations in different languages.
6 In no. 109, speaking of the preparations for the founding of the Pauline Family, he affirms: “[As] for the Sisters, he had, already in 1911, started drafting the book, La donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale”.
7 On 5 June 1961, speaking to the Daughters of St. Paul gathered in Spiritual Exercises in Ariccia, Fr. Alberione said: “Before establishing the Congregation, I had prepared La donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale precisely for you. And he repeated the same thought (recorded, as before, on magnetic tape) during a meditation made in Rome on 13 February 1964: He said, “Before you were born, the book La donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale was written”. At another time, he confided that he thought of it in 1909 and then wrote it in 1912.
8 This annotation is found also in Carissimi in San Paolo, on p. 1284, where it is followed by the explanation: “The principles are always from the Scriptures and from Tradition; instead, the application to the current times must be done wisely, according to the time, place, social conditions.” (MM).
9 In confirmation to this, read the Avvertenza (Notice) that the Author placed at the end of the book in its 2
nd edition: “This book was written when the Catholic action of women did not yet have the marvelous progress that are known to all in Italy. Hence, the author did not take it into consideration; the Readers are asked to refer themselves to the Italian environment of 1914”. - An integration was then expected. This would be done in 1928, with the 5
th edition, as it would appear in this other note that came before the Appendix:
“An appendix is considered useful to come with this fifth edition: 'Le organizzazioni femminili dell'Azione Cattolica Italiana'.
Considering the most consoling development that these organizations are assuming, under the invitation and the sweet but strong insistence of the Holy Father, Pius XI, a reference to them seemed necessary. Many women readers in fact are also leaders and active members of the Women's Catholic Action.
The appendix has been drawn, with the gentle concession of the Author, from the book: 'Prontuario dell'Azione Cattolica Italiana' of the most zealous and very competent Fr. Marotta O.D.I. Along with that of my women readers, my most sincere gratitude to him.
Feast of the conversion of St. Paul, 1928. THE AUTHOR.” (MM).
10 Aside from the 1
st edition of 1915: the 2
nd in 1925; the 3
rd and the 4
th are only reprints; the 5
th in 1928; the 6
th in 1932; the 7
th in 1937; the 8
th , still always in Alba, in 1940; the 9
th , instead, in Albano, in 1954. - The 5
th edition has the same cover as the 2
nd , with the same thick paper, advertisements, typefaces and price of L. 5. Considering that the reprints are not editions, the 5
th edition would pass for the 3
rd and not the 5
th . Hence, DA should have had 7 editions and not 9! Two reprints (or even more) between the 2
nd and the 5
th edition. - From researches it shows further that copies numbered from 25,000 to 30,000, including the first large outputs. (MM).
11 Sr. Cecilia Calabresi writes: “Precisely in 1953-1954, Fr. Alberione entrusted to the undersigned the task of revising the book. On 10 March 1953, Fr. Alberione wrote me: 'Revise, take away, add as you think: for as long as it does the greatest good!' The following 17 October, he was insisting: 'The Holy Father Pius XII, in his last speeches, tends to give ever greater importance to women's work in various areas. It is good to bear them in mind for the next edition of the book La donna...' On 15/4/54, after having received the revised book, Fr. Alberione hastened to thank before even having paid much attention to the work: 'I thank you very much for the work on the book! It is a delicate and practical work!' Two months later, he confirmed: 'I am very grateful for all the work... The revision of the book is very good (7/6/54). Following a more attentive review, done in about a month's time, he wrote: 'I am very happy for the intelligent revision. Deo gratias. Some little additions (Pius XII) would be needed here and there regarding the clergy (in the first or the last part) that you could introduce. As soon as these additions are made, the book would be printed by the novices of Albano' (12/7/54). - Having received the book and the additions, Fr. Alberione passed it on to the printing press and dated the text on 22/11/1954, feast of St. Cecilia.”