Blessed James Alberione

Opera Omnia


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Here, I do not intend to refer to sciences in general, but to that of the good pastor and more particularly to that of a good pastor of women since it is necessary to define well the purpose of priestly study: the salvation of souls. Is it not true that God's minister is first of all a fisher1 of men? Not a man of letters, or an artist, or a politician, not a professor has Jesus willed that the priest should be: instead to be a savior of souls. He shall avail with the other sciences for as much as his noble mission would be made easy. From here follows that rule: study as much as it is needed by souls: set aside what is useless or, worse, what consists a hindrance. It is not necessary that one should be a saint to come to understand this truth: good sense and natural prudence are enough. Besides, Spencer,2 Smiles,3 Förster4 develop and apply this truth: life is short, time is precious: having defined the purpose of life, as regards our program in life, we choose what leads us to it; let us set aside whatever is useless. Too many exhaust a precious activity in gathering by chance plants and flowers, while neglecting the maturing grain. - It is a part of priestly science that is better cultivated today, that is, that which concerns the direction of women.
One cannot do or even desire what is ignored: this is a principle of good sense heard many times in philosophy classes. Neither is it licit, after having seen it, to negate mission of women in society, especially today. It is not with being obstinate in closing one's eyes that ills are taken away and what is good is promoted: instead it is in studying and facing old and new problems of the care for souls. We shall not discover everything as new, but our obtained knowledge shall go deeper, others shall remind us, still others we shall see perhaps for the first time. Here I would like to suggest some books that could be useful for the purpose: I ignore the issue that they are the better ones of their kind, but having read them, I largely consider them useful.

For the moral-religious formation of daughters

1. Première formation morale et religieuse de la jeune fille - Formation supérieure (Initial moral and religious formation of women - Higher formation) (2 volumes: L. 1.50 each - Libreria Sacro Cuore - Torino).
2. La monaca in casa (The nun at home) - Frassinetti5 (Roma - Desclée - L. 0.40).
3. La vergine cristiana nella famiglia e nella società (The Christian virgin at home and in society) (Roma - Desclée - L. 2.50).
4. Sposi timorati, sposi fortunati (God fearing spouses, lucky spouses) - Nisten (Libreria Buona Stampa - Corso Regina Margherita - 176 - Torino - L. 2.50) (Reserved for young ladies from 16 up).
5. Sul limitare della vita (On limiting life) - Erminia Vescovi (Libreria Sacro Cuore - Torino).
6. L'angelo in famiglia (The angel at home) - Crosta (Libreria Sacro Cuore - Torino).
7. La vita dopo il collegio (Life after schooling).
8. Il libro della giovane figlia in vacanza (The book of the young woman on vacation).
9. La scienza della massaia (The homemaker's science).
Per l'autore delle Pagliette d'oro (Golden straws) (Libreria Sacro Cuore - Torino).

For the moral-religious formation of the bride

1. La sposa cristiana nella famiglia e nella società (The Christian spouse at home and in society) (Roma - Desclée - L. 1.75).
2. Semplici verità alle donne del popolo italiano (Simple truths for women among the Italian people) (Firenze - Barbera - 2 volumes: L. 1.00 each).

For the formation of mothers

1. La madre nel problema educativo (The mother in the education issue) (Firenze - Libreria Fiorentina).
2. Un inverno in campagna (Winter in the farm) (Family instructions on the duties of mothers) (Roma - Desclée).
3. Educazione dei figliuoli (Education of children) - Carmagnola (Libreria Buona Stampa - Torino - L. 0.50).
4. Les grandeurs de la maternité chrétienne (The grandeurs of Christian motherhood) (Roma - Desclée).
5. Educazione (Education) - Oldrà6 (Desclée - Roma).
For the social formation of women

1. La donna ed il clero (Woman and the clergy) - Bolo (Libreria Sacro Cuore - Torino - L. 1.50).
2. La donna nel campo cattolico (Woman in the Catholic world) (Desclée - Roma - L. 3.50).
3. Initiatives féminines (Female initiatives)- Turmann (Libreria Sacro Cuore - Torino - L. 3.50).
4. Un'opera cattolico-sociale a Torino (A Catholic-social work in Turin).
5. Femminismo cristiano (Christian femininism).
6. Rivendicazioni giuridiche ed economiche del femminismo (Juridical and economic revindication of femininism).
7. Iniziative cristiano-sociali femminili (Women's Christian-socal initiatives).
8. Protezione della giovane (Protection of young women).
At: Azione sociale-popolare - Via Legnano 23 - Torino - L. 0.50 each.
9. Gli oratori festivi e le scuole di religione (Holiday oratories and schools of religion) (Libreria Buona Stampa - Corso Regina Margherita - Torino).
10. Compiti del clero nell'azione cattolica (Duties of the clergy in Catholic action) (Tipografia Sant'Alessandro - Bergamo - L. 1.00).
NB. Theory is discussed especially in N. 1 - 2. The practical part is discussed in N. 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10.
It is not enough, however, that one has read the book, or some books, in order to conclude that one has been trained in the guidance of women. It is a must that something periodically reawakens the idea that lies at the bottom of awareness: it is necessary for one to
follow the women's social movement: it is necessary that nothing is left aside among the new means found by friends, nor the traps prepared by adversaries.
It is enough that I mention what I would undertake a bit ahead: local, parish, diocesan works are not enough; we need a national movement and perhaps even international. Very well: for all these reasons a priest shall do well if he reads at least one, from among many periodicals on women's action. Let me refer to some: while taking note that periodicals and human institutions are like individuals: good today but can become dangerous tomorrow.
Matelda - Twice monthly publication for ladies (Firenze - Via Pucci 2 - L. 2.50).7
Azione muliebre (Womanly Action) - Monthly cultural magazine (Milano - Via Carlo Farini - L. 8).
La donna e il lavoro (Woman and Work) - Weekly for Christian women workers (Vicenza - Via Carpagnon 13 - L. 2.50).
La settimana sociale (Social Weekly) - Under the care of the Popular Union (Padova - L. 2.50).
Vita femminile (Woman's Life) - Weekly magazine for the young ladies (Via Marsala, 8 - Bologna).
Then there is a study that is done not with books but on events. It is perhaps much more useful inasmuch as the life we live and that which is lived about us has lessons that strong that in no other place can they be had: on condition that one listens and

1 Fisher, as in Mt 4:19 or Mk 1:17.

2 Herbert Spencer (1820-1903), English thinker and social thinker (MM).

3 DA here has Smilles. See DA 60, note 9.

4 Friedrich Christoph Förster (Berlin 1792-1868) was a historian and publicist who studied theology and archeology and taught history in Berlin.

5 Cf. FRASSINETTI G. (Prior of Santa Sabina in Genova), La monaca in casa. With two appendices: 1

st Pia unione delle figlie di santa Maria Immacolata (Pious union of the daughters of Mary Immaculate); 2

nd Spiritual friendships: Imitation of St. Teresa, added to it is the exercise of the holy mass in honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Torino, Tipografia della Curia arcivescovile di Giacomo Arneodo, n. 5 - Via Torquato Tasso, 1900

12 .

6 Cf. OLDRÀ A. S.J., Educazione. Preface by Prof. G. Toniolo. Third reprint. Torino-Roma, Pietro Marietti 1921. The book is subdivided into 16 conferences: - Adversaries and purpose of education; - Need and effectiveness of education; - To educate is to develop; - Need of repression; - Defects of character and of will; - Rewards and punishments; - Physical education; - Chastity in infancy; - The motives of chastity; - Watchfulness over chastity; - Schools and teachers; - Love as means of education; - Example; - Religion, basis of education; - The great step; - The convent.

7 On this magazine, see below, DA 295, note 3.