THE APOSTOLATE OF THE PRESS"The harvest is plentiful" [Mt 9:37]
There is a variety of apostolates: the apostolate of good example, the apostolate of the word, the apostolate of prayer, the apostolate of good works, the apostolate of the Good Press and so on. Everyone knows and can see how important they are. And what zeal needs to be engendered today by everyone to form an army of people who will pray, an army of preachers, an army of holy missionaries! But what is needed more so than in other times is the apostolate of the Press; this Press which good or bad wields an almost hidden power, a power I would call omnipotent, which plots the course of present day society's reasoning and behavior.
When it comes to train primary school teachers there is a plethora of institutes, schools, budgets, legislative provisions and so on. Do not journalists today have a similar influence, indeed, a greater influence over all classes of society?
Of course we do not intend to speak of the press here in general, but of the good press, of that press which is part of the ministry of the preacher and of the gospel worker.
Let us train these apostles, these missionaries who will be fully equipped by way of virtue, zeal and sound teaching.
This is a special vocation. The need is for men with a priestly heart, because the Good Press mission is part of the priestly mission. Preaching, writes Benedict XV in his encyclical, is the principal office of the priesthood.