1. The text used in this edition is that one printed in 1932, authorized by Fr. Alberione. We consider it as the standard edition of Donec formetur Christus in vobis (DFst).
2. All references to the text of Donec formetur-in the Introduction, Presentation, notes, indices-refer to the pages of the same printed booklet (e.g.: DFst 15 = Donec formetur, page 15).
3. In view of uniformity of quotation of the Founder's writings, for whatever edition and in whatever language, it is indispensable that we adopt, as a uniform criterion, the page numbers of the original Italian edition. Such numbering is indicated by the marginal numbers, in bold, located at the start of the respective page: the change of page, when it falls in the middle of a line, is marked with the a bar &.
Hence, also in this edition, the quotations of the text of DFst shall refer to the marginal numbers and not on the current number of pages of this book.
4. The chapters contained in the manuscript of the Founder have already been removed in the printed booklet; they are reprinted at the Appendix at the end of the book (pp. 261-271).
5. For purposes of better knowing the concise and schematic style of the Founder's text, some pages of the manuscript of the Donec Formetur are reprinted as Attachments at the end of the book (pp. 274-280).
6. Some adjustments have been made on the Italian original. For example, abbreviations were made explicit and accents modified. The changes are upheld in this translation.