Blessed James Alberione

Opera Omnia


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[DFin 18-19. 56. 59. 61. 62. 72. 74. 75. 78. 85. 89. 93ff. 111-112. 114-121. 124-131. 132-136. 145. 146. 147. 160. 202. 206-207] The Press - Program

1. To write: it is to preach, to comment on, to popularize, to apply to life the Holy Gospel. Just as God spoke and wrote, just as Jesus Christ spoke and made others write, just as the Apostles spoke and wrote. The printed preaching is in a better position, in its principal part, to reach all.

2. To print: Herein technology is embraced in order to make things faster, better, independently. It is the preparation of the elements, scientific organization, typesetting, printing, binding. In this, it is not an art, not an industry, but utilizes industry; and raises art and industry to the height of apostolate.

3. Diffusion: let it reach everywhere, to all, according to needs. a) The nature of the needs determines the nature of the initiative. b) The aim is to reach all, including those who have access to the Church.
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1. General theory: a) History (Scriptures, Fathers, Doctors, Popes, Saints). b) The Apostolate of the Press. c) The state of the Press. d) The value, the dangers, the advantages. e) The Means: telephone, telegraph, radio, etc. f) How one has to write: intrinsic sources, extrinsic; style, language, the writers. g) The means of diffusion: the Cooperators, the clergy, bookstores, centers, libraries, etc.

2. Special theory: a) The kinds: newspaper, book, booklet, novel, poetry, parish bulletin, illustrated periodical, the weekly, the daily, etc.; b) the literary genres range from liturgy to humor, to satire, etc.; c) How to write: a) the intended aim; b) the thesis; c) the approval, the correction of the proofs, the layout; d) the art of selling, accounting; e) organization.
3. General technology: the means, paper, types, space bars, machines, printing and binding, mail. Special technology: typesetter, printer, binder, stereotypist, linotypist, monotypist, zincographer.

* * *

1. The Press as Apostolate, is in its substance a divine institution. It is God
who ordered to write; it is the Apostles who exercised it: it is the Church that practices it; it is the Fathers, the Doctors, the Saints, the Bishops who excelled in it. The divine truths reach the faithful, some through the living voice, others arrive through Writing.

2. The Apostolate of the Press has its own intrinsic or extrinsic sources. The intrinsic ones are: the Scriptures, Tradition, dogmatic and moral theology, ascetics, mysticism, pastoral, the canon law, liturgy, sacred and church history. The extrinsic are: philosophy, profane history, literature, civil legislation, experimental sciences, etc.

3. The method, in general, is that of the Scriptures and of the Gospel. In particular, it is varied according to the kind: periodical, the book, apologetics, etc.
Here comes what is gathered in the treatise on eloquence and in the books on the art of composition and in tracts of religious pedagogy.

[DFin. 23. 61. 62. 74. 83. 110. 111-112. 124-131. 137-143. 144. 151. 203-205] St. Paul

1. St. Paul was Vas electionis1 et doctor gentium,2 vessel of election, that is, chosen where the Holy Spirit gathered by pouring all
the better gifts: an indestructible faith, a most firm hope, a most ardent charity, loftiest knowledge. Doctor gentium who defended, who enlightened, who won over for Our Lord Jesus Christ. His miracle was a sustained miracle in the manner, circumstances, in the conversions. Abundantius his omnibus laboravi.3

2. What he does: From heaven, he is most powerful as on earth he was very much a saint; he shall obtain till the end of time, knowledge, chastity, apostles; he is so in a special manner for three graces: ardor, conversions, the apostolate. In heaven, he honors God; on earth, always glory to the Church, eyes on the pontiffs, model of every work of apostolate.

[DFin 80] 3. We ought: To read him as the model of loftiest knowledge that transcends the centuries, places, questions: and as model of the Press Apostolate; pray to him particularly with the chaplet, with the usual invocations of the house; imitate him, in the spirit that comes described to us by St. John Chrysostom.

[DFin 28. 110. 111-112. 124-131. 144. 208] Mary, Queen of the Apostles

1. The Regina Apostolorum. Of her we must believe: that she was the mother of the Apostle
of the Divine Father, the Divine Word; she who became mother and teacher of every apostolate at the birth of Jesus, their head; that she was proclaimed so at the cross; that she showed herself so with the Apostles especially during Pentecost; that she was always the inspirer, the protectress of every apostolate of the word and of the pen, and the formator of Apostles of all places and times.

2. That we must have towards her: enlightened and limitless trust and love, the most cordial, expressive, tender devotion; the more common and constant practices of the Rosary, the Angelus, the three Hail Mary's, chaplet, Saturday devotion, etc.

3. That we must let her be honored: by writing about her, preaching about her, and by giving the due example.
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[DFin 115-121. 132-133. 137-143. 166] Conclusions

1. We have meditated: man has been created for heaven; only for heaven. Man's entire work is that of not letting his heart be won over by the goods of the present, but of making use of the goods of the present as means for heaven. All the evil lies in making the means as end. If it has already been done, we need to be converted: and finally place our hearts, our struggles, our work for heaven. Hence, the fruit of the first part is total conversion of life for eternity.

2. Jesus Christ is the way to heaven, the only way, the secure way; he is the truth, because he guides the mind in such a manner that it does not err, that it becomes supernatural, divine; the life through whom the mind shall always adhere to Jesus Christ and heart and life shall always follow the path marked by Him. The conclusion of the second part is: live in Jesus Christ until the vivit vero in me Christus:4 mind, heart, life. Fruit of the second part: the choices: vocation; or the manner of following it; or a particular point.
[DFin 35] 3. In three manners one journeys with Jesus Christ: along the way of the commandments: Christ life; along the way of the evangelical counsels; along the way of zeal, life of apostolate.
Everything is accomplished in the Holy Spirit: inasmuch as what the life of Jesus Christ is, so the life of the Church, that is, the supernatural life of souls is communicated, developed, perfected, consummated, in the Holy Spirit. Hence our study is double: so that in us is formed Jesus Christ. Cooperation with special resolutions and prayer with the abundance of practices.

1 Acts 9:15: “Chosen instrument.”

2 1Tm 2:7: “Teacher of the pagans (gentiles).”

3 1Cor 15:10: “I have toiled harder than all of them” (illis, not his).

4 Gal 2:20: “Christ lives in me.”