Blessed James Alberione

Opera Omnia


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Abel: 30
Abundantes divitiæ gratiæ suæ: 10in
- of creatures: 22
- of freedom: 22
- of grace: 22
- of money: 22
- of the mind: 22
- of the tendency for honor: 22
- Leo XIII's Encyclical: 208in
Adoration, perpetual: 162in
Adriani Giovan Battista: 14in
- piazza Cherasca: 63in
- via Accademia: 64in
- via Vernazza: 84in
Alberione Giacomo: 9, 59
- and La donna cattolica (The Catholic Woman) by Ventura G.: 124in
- and Scientific Encyclopedia: 50in
- and the parish frame of reference: 15in
- and the Seminary of Bra: 15in
- and the Spiritual Exercises: 45in
- and the thought of Ventura G.: 124in
- and Ventura Gioacchino: 113in
- approaches the priestly ordination: 33in
- at via Mazzini there was but one heart and one soul around Fr. Alberione: 144in
- authoritative witness on his ministry as Spiritual Director: 44in
- basic points: 58in
- characteristic of Father, not the extraordinary but the ordinary: 69in
- Christian social work: 52in
- confirmation of the Casa as work of God: 98in
- Constantinian Jubilee and the press: 56in
- decides to complete the drafting of his formation proposal, from here comes DF: 220in
- decisive point of maturation and orientation: 51in
- dedication in study and in reflection: 25in
- different assignments as seminarian and young priest: 54in
- directorship of the Gazzetta d'Alba: 61in
- entrance to the Seminary of Alba: 16in
- evaluation of his own actuation: 41in
- experience of a special encounter with St. Paul: 143in
- experience of total passivity: 140in
- fascination for Ventura G.: 114in
- follows up everything as well as delegates: 130in
- foundation of religious men and women: 39in
- grace of confirmation: 102in
- gradual and detailed beginning of the foundation: 62in
- grandiose image of the priestly ministry: 35in
- he could and ought to count only on God's power: 142in
- his special vocation: 37in
- his testimony: 10in
- holiness: first place among his preoccupations: 83in
- I will go to Cottolengo and there I shall end my days: 139in
- in audience with Benedict XV: 109in
- in Benevello: 99in; like Moses at Sinai: 140in
- influence of Pius X's program: 33in
- leaves his Seminary duties: 89in
- like Paul, crucified for the sake of the Gospel: 143in
- love for the Pope: 109in
- mental horizon and preoccupation: 56in
- new Abraham: 140in
- new Jacob: 140in
- pastor among pastors, writer, preacher: 59in
- piercing doubts: 95in
- prayer and the Word of God: 112in
- priestly vocation: 12in
- profoundly rooted in the Covenant experience: 149in
- projections for the constructions in Alba: 90in
- receives private profession of vows of young persons: 66in
- search for God's will: 45in
- seminary of Alba: 30in
- shares responsibilities: 132in
- Spiritual Director: 40in
- Spiritual Exercises at the Piccola Casa della D. Provvidenza: 139in
- Spiritual Exercises in S. Ignazio di Lanzo: 46in
- start of the ministry of Spiritual Director: 43in
- taken by hand by Jesus Master: 140in
- taste for studiousness: 14in
- team work: 48in
- the Sig. Teologo describes the most serious situation: 68in
- the day of the first Mass quotes Venite ad me omnes: 35in
- the mysterious passage of naked faith: 137in
- the only irritant, the only preoccupation, that we be saints: 132in
- time ripe for starting the foundations: 57in
- to recognize the style of God's action: 55in
- two sections of his itinerary: 40in
- unstable health and uncertainties: 97in
- vocation work: 60in
- wants a philosophical and theological elaboration according to the spirit of the Casa: 214in
- welcomed by the parish priest of Benevello: 137in
- wisdom of the cross: 141in
- young priest: 36in
Allamano Giuseppe: 108in; 105
Allocco Teresa: 11in
Aloysius Gonzaga (Saint): 32in
Alphonsus de' Liguori (Saint): 32in, 43in; 59
- Del gran mezzo della preghiera: 83in; 13, 79
Ambrogio Domenico Maria: 89in
Ambrose (Saint): 126in
Ambrosio Giuseppina: 199in
Analysis, Transactional: 19in
Ananias: 80
Angel/s: 17, 29, 42, 58, 78, 80
Angel, Guardian: 162in
Animals: 22
Apostles: 30
- members of the Casa made responsible of an apostolic mandate: 134in
- new apostles to proclaim the Gospel with the fastest means: 111in
- the apostolic mandate and the Good Press today: 134in
- the apostolic times re-lived: 110in
- of women and of the laity: 23in
- the mandate of the apostolate across the centuries: 134in
Apostolate, Pauline
- nearness of the Pauline apostolate being born with the ecclesial community: 206in
Apostolate, Press: 207in
- a sacred priesthood: 93in
- and woman: 94in
- calls of the new apostolate: 91in
- fundamental ideal cultivated in the Casa: 75in
- general theory: 94
- importance: 75in
- intrinsic and extrinsic sources: 95
- its convenience for women: 75in
- meets the needs of the times: 93in
- method: 95
- press apostolate comparable with the missions ad gentes: 94in
- printing: 93
- program: 93
- reading St. Paul as model of the Press Apostolate: 96
- special technology: 94
- special theory: 94
- spreading: 93
- technology in general: 94
- the new apostles: 111in
- the press as apostolate, divine institution: 94
- writing: 93
Appunti di Teologia Pastorale: 35in, 48in
Armani Torquato Tito: 89in
Arsenius (Saint): 105
Augustine (Saint): 32in, 126in; 21, 24
Autarchy: 130in
Ballerini Raffaele: 23in
Baptism: 55
- of Jesus: 42
Barbero Giuseppe: 12in, 25in, 26in, 28in, 34in, 37in, 46in, 63in, 96in, 99in, 108in, 129in, 138in, 139in, 143in
- blessed is the religious who wants to become a saint: 89
- eternal: 101
- poverty, the first beatitude: 87
- the eight Gospel beatitudes: 104
- to achieve eternal beatitude: 21
- unheard of truth, new to the world, eternal truths: 50
Benedict XV: 109in, 159in; 87
Benevello: 99in
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 103
Bernard (Saint): 32in
Bernocco Giovanni Battista: 63in
Bible. See Sacred Scriptures
- book of humanity, divine book: 26in
Body: 22
- destined for resurrection: 16
Body, Mystical 49
- description: 64
Boffi Angelina: 76in
Bonaventure (Saint): 32in
Bonfante Maria: 12in
Bonomelli Geremia (Msgr.): 74in
- God wants to be glorified as Bonus (Good): 61
- in the world there is God's thesis: Ego bonus: 31
Book: 16, 33, 52, 94, 95
Borello Agostino: 21in
Borgna Giovanni: 61in
Borra Edoardo (Dr.): 100in
- Madonna dei Fiori: 28in
Brovia Luigi: 95in
Buccolo Antonio (Acc.): 100in
Bulletins, Parish : 85in
Cain: 30
Caldellara Maggiorino: 209in
Calliano Clelia: 73in
Calvary: 39, 73
Camminiamo anche noi in novità di vita: 6
Cantù Cesare: 25in
Cardona Rosa: 11in
Casa (House)
- centrality of Christ, Way, Truth and Life in the Casa: 158in
- construction of the first house: 92in
- dangers of the first moments: 68in
- devotions of the first week of the month: 84in
- end, means, spirit of the male and female branches: 211in
- expansion of activities, persons and foundations of new houses: 220in
- formation after the style of the Casa: 163in
- foundations in Italy: 200in
- group picture of the Casa: 200in
- growth in amazing rhythm: 200in
- iconography proper to the Casa: 144in
- life of prayer: 84in
- living apostolic community today: 127in
- men and women associated with the mission of Jesus Master: 160in
- new initiatives: 201in
- of pastoral initiatives: 147in
- paschal itinerary: 67in
- Seminary of Apostles and Workers of the Good Press: 91in
- stormy wind against the Casa: 95in
- summary of the activities at the close of 1922: 135in
- the Casa had to mirror the relevance of the apostolic times: 160in
- the Casa is a work of God: 104in
- the triple branch: 70in
- three fundamental formation books, the Gospel, Letters of St. Paul, Exercises of St. Ignatius: 165in
- touching commemorative article of the first ten years of the Casa: 162in
- towards the approval of the Casa: 105in
Casa della Divina Provvi-denza (House of the Divine Providence): 166in
Casa di Roma: 200in
Casa Regina degli Apostoli: 166in
Casa San Paolo: 166in
Catherine of Siena (Saint): 18
Censorship: 68in
Center of Pauline Spirituality: 8in, 16in, 19in, 25in, 28in, 100in, 197in, 199in, 217in
- night of the passage of the century: 17in
Cesarato Regina: 159in, 160in
Chaignon Pierre: 43in
Charity: 51, 53, 61, 64, 67, 72, 81, 82, 96
- definition: 101
- description and prerogatives of charity: 71
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 102
Charles Borromeo (Saint): 32in
Chastity: 39, 89, 90, 96
- definition: 86
- effects of chastity, in heaven, on earth: 87
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 104
- importance, effects, and fruits: 87
- means: 87
Chautard Gustavo GianBattista: 83in
Cherasco: 11in, 12in
Chiave della vita (La), book of F. Chiesa: 16
- and the vision of the mind, will, heart, body: 172in
- book taken up in a chapter of the DF: 172in
- review in La Civiltà Cattolica: 172in
Chiesa Francesco: 27in, 29in, 61in, 95in, 108in, 128in, 131in, 214in
- La chiave della vita: 172in, 16
- received from him: the spirit, the teaching, the guidance: 34in
- three books: Gesù Cristo Re, Gesù Maestro, Ego sum Vita: 168in
Chrism: 55
Christ. See Jesus Christ
: 47in; 28, 42, 43, 52, 53, 54, 57, 62, 63, 68, 69, 70, 93, 95, 96, 101
- guardian and depository of sacred science: 51
- Martha and Mary signify the Church: 122in
- One cannot have God as father if he does not have the Church as mother: 68
- one, holy, catholic, apostolic: 68
Church of St. Paul: 201in
- construction of the Church dedicated to St. Paul: 148in
- explanation of the stained glass windows: 203in
- from here the missionaries of the good press shall leave for mission lands: 166in
- solemn blessing in 1928: 205in
- the church is incorporated with the houses and the houses are one body with the church: 166in
- the new church covers the spirituality of the House: 166in
- the new Church of St. Paul in Alba: 166in
Civiltà Cattolica (La): 23in, 33in, 61in, 96in, 169in, 172in, 174in, 205in, 210in, 218in
- the power of the press: 61in
Colacrai Angelo: 10in, 25in, 159in
Colombara Giuseppe: 14in
Commandments: 15, 83, 84, 100
- examination of conscience on all the commandments: 20
- long examination of conscience on the commandments: 20
Communion: 11, 12, 38, 40, 47, 57, 65, 69, 72, 74, 76, 77
- definition and effects: 74
- preparation of the mind, will and heart for communion: 75
- conclusion 2nd part SE: 99
- everything is accomplished in the Holy Spirit: 100
- Fruit 2nd part SE: 99
- fruit of the first part of the SE: 99
- our concern is dual [way of the evangelical counsels and way of zeal]: 100
- what is meditated upon in the first part of the SE: 99
- what is meditated upon in the second part of the SE: 99
- what is meditated upon in the third part of the SE: 100
Confession: 11, 15, 34, 35, 36, 55, 74
Confessor: 80
Congresses, Gospel: 202in
- Congress in Alba in the year 1927: 202in
Conoscere Don Alberione: 19in
Consolations: 55
- year of consolidation: 83in, 88in
Contemplation: 46
- brings about heavenly knowledge, heroic virtue, apostolic zeal: 60
- contemplating the divine goodness in itself: 62
- contemplation of Pentecost: 60
- contemplation of the Christmas crib: 41
- contemplatives are not found only in hermitages: 120in
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 103
- complete conversion: 99
- Confession, principal means of conversion: 34
Cooperators: 85in, 148in, 162in, 166in
- approval of the Statute: 70in
- do good to the good press through prayers, offerings and work: 72in
- start of the Cooperators of the Good Press: 70in
- the Union's bulletin, a precious source: 74in
- Unione Cooperatori Buona Stampa (Union of Cooperators of the Good Press): 72in
Coraglia Michele: 108in
Costa Desiderio: 89in
Costantinian Jubilee: 56in
Cottolengo G. Benedetto (Saint): 81in; 80
- gift of the Holy Spirit: 102
Counsels, evangelical: 60in
- means by nature, given for use: 24
- abuse of creatures: 22
- being indifferent to them: 23
- being superior to, not servants of creatures: 23
- Jesus Christ made the most righteous use of them: 22
- let us abstain from them, abstine: 23
- occasions of abuse: 22
- rebellion brought about by the original sin: 22
- three orders of creatures: physical, moral, spiritual: 22
- to take what helps us, sustine: 23
- use of creatures: 22
Crémieux Adolphe: 61in
Crib, Christmas: 39
- first, second, third crisis: 34
- the three crises: 44
Cross: 104in; 29, 44, 45, 48, 54
- Kingly way of the Holy Cross: 54
Cura d'anime nelle grandi città (La), book by Enrico Swoboda: 49in
Cura d'anime speciale, book by Cornelio Krieg: 49in
Da Silva Antonio F.: 49in, 172in, 195in, 197in, 205in, 217in; 60
Damascene John (Saint): 58
Damino Andrea: 41in; 9
Danusso Vittore (Can.): 27in
Dates, Eucharistic: 144in
Daughters of St. Paul: 129in, 147in, 166in, 199in, 211in
- they take care of the Gospel of the Divine Master: 160in
Deaconesses: 145in
Death: 27, 29, 30, 31, 46, 55, 56, 63, 91, 92
- two deaths: 31
Del gran mezzo della preghiera: 83in; 59, 79
Delamaire François-Marie-Joseph (Mons.): 61in
Deo gratias: 81in, 164in
- the Deo gratias in the Piccola Casa della Divina Provvidenza: 81in
Desolations: 55
Despair: 71
Direction, spiritual: 11
Director, spiritual: 80
- enlightens, watches over, supports: 80
Disciples of the Divine Master. See Pious Disciples
Disciples of the Divine Master
: 211in
- introduction to the vocation of the Disciples: 213in
- mission of reparation and the Miserentissimus Redemptor: 210in
- name and first religious clothing of the Disciples: 209in
Divine Master: 102in, 110in, 131in, 148in
- all the saints are the incarnation of a verse of the Gospel: 146in
- month dedicated to the Divine Master: 151in
- the devotion to the Divine Master centered on the Holy Tabernacle: 144in
- the Divine Master's mandate to preach to all nations: 134in
- the Gospel and the entire Christian religion: 146in
Divine Master (The): 166in
Divine Providence
- five roads or paths of the Divine Providence: 91in
- gave the house, courtyard, garden, machines and different branches of the apostolate: 162in
- gratitude to the Divine Providence: 81in
Divini illius Magistri
- Encyclical of Pius XI: 218in
«Donec formetur Christus in vobis» (Gal 4:19). See also the Index of biblical quotations
- 219in; 3, 12, 14, 36, 100
- and the Kingdom of Jesus Christ in us: 171in
- the task of the entire spiritual life: 216in
Donec formetur Christus in vobis (book): 1-6in, 22in, 45in, 47in, 50in, 53in, 71in, 115in, 150in, 153in, 154in, 166in, 168in, 171in, 172in, 190in, 193-197in, 199in, 207in, 210in, 213in, 217in, 220in; 3
- important background of the DF: 45in
- the DF and the Course of Meditations or extended Exercises in order to direct our life: 194in
- the DF from the perspective of the three books of F. Chiesa: 194in
- the editions: 5in
- the manuscript of the DF is perhaps prior to 1927: 196in
Donna associata allo zelo sacerdotale (La), by G. Alberione: 48in, 63in, 85in, 124in
Donna cattolica (La), by G. Ventura: 113in, 124in
Donne del Vangelo (Le), by G. Ventura: 113in, 124in, 160in
Dream: 98in
- date: 99in, 101in
Dresselio Geremia: 19
E Supremi Apostolatus
- Encyclical of Pius X: 33in
Earth: 22
Edmond Gabriel: 6
Ego sum Vita, book by F. Chiesa
- contents of the book: 192in
- Jesus is present in the Gospel as Word that teaches, in the Eucharist as food that nourishes: 191in
- the book presents the environment, the commitment, and the fruits proposed by the DF: 193in
Enchiridion Indulgentiarum: 7
Enciclopedia Cattolica: 5
Enciclopedia scientifica e metodologia de le scienze teologiche, by Cornelio Krieg: 50in
- lexical encyclopedia and scientific encyclopedia: 50in
- the method: 50in
- unified knowledge: 50in
- four ends: to worship, thank, ask pardon, ask for graces: 56
- of creatures: 21
- our end: 21
- the end of God: 25
Eredità cristocentrica di don Alberione (L'): 49in, 172in, 205in, 217in; 6
Esposito F. Rosario: 10in, 23in
Eternity: 9, 25, 27, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 43, 91, 99
- eternity, perfect kingdom of God: 35
- happy eternity: 22
- homo æternitatis sum: 21
- in direct line with eternity: 9
- let us choose what we want: 21
- life is a preparation for eternity: 16
- suspended between two eternities: 21
Eucharist: 19in, 29in, 114in; 11, 55
- make means an end: 99
Evodia: 125in
Examination of conscience: 11, 15, 23, 38, 78, 84
- three examinations of conscience: 12
- three times a day with method: 11
Exemplarism: 123in
Exercise, to
- the mind: 9
- in the novitiate: 12
- of mortification: 11
- of the intelligence, of the will, of examination of conscience: 12
- the various exercises: 9, 11, 12, 15
Exercises, Spiritual: 1in, 40in, 45in, 48in, 87in, 98in, 106in, 131in, 133in; 11, 21, 74, 89
- and choice of state of life: 10
- and novitiate: 9
- and Principle and Foundation of SE: 11, 23
- and the baptismal vows: 10
- and the past and the future: 10
- and the School of Nazareth: 14
- and the Word and the Sacraments: 11
- and union with Christ, the Holy Spirit and Mary: 10
- at Benevello atmosphere of the Ignatian Exercises: 138in
- condition for the success of a good SE and of the novitiate: 104
- conditions for conducting well the SE and obtain its fruit: 105
- definition: 9
- Deo gratias for all the benefits received through the Exercises of St. Ignatius: 164in
- dialogical character: 11
- dispositions: 12, 13
- for the youth: 205in
- in order to choose one's state in life: 13
- in order to reset one's life: 9
- intermission between life and eternity: 10
- key of life: 16
- life orientation: 13
- of St. Ignatius: 5
- preparation for the SE: 10
- spiritual direction, general and particular, in the SE: 105
- stumbling blocks to overcome: 12
- the novitiate, the Exercises, and the three ways: 197in
- the principal book of formation are the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: 162in
- types of exercises and exercisers: 13
- Way of Purification, Illumination, Union: 16
- yearly Exercises: 36
Faber Federico Guglielmo: 43in
Faber Francesco Maria: 11in
Faith: 89in; 16, 21, 23, 25, 29, 30, 53, 59, 61, 67, 68, 72, 75, 81, 83, 96
- creates in us a new being: 64
- definition: 101
- faith described by St. Paul: 64
- faith shall multiply vocations and means: 84in
- nature and prerogative of faith: 70
- relationship between reason and faith: 114in
Faith, hope, charity: 47in
Family: 22
Family, Pauline
- first seed of the future name: 86in
Fascists: 96in, 102in
Father: 36, 39, 40, 41, 47, 48, 50, 68, 75, 76, 77, 97
- Glory to the Father: 17
- God, the Father: 31
- has sent the Son, Teacher: 35
- he who knows the Son knows the Father: 47
- intimacy between the Son and the Father: 46
- sent the Son to trace the road to heaven: 48
- the vision of the Heavenly Father: 31
Father, Heavenly
- keeps his family in his loving arms: 162in
Fathers of the Church: 114in
Fear of God
- gift of the Holy Spirit: 102
Feast of the Divine Master
- for the spread of the Gospel: 166in, 202in
Ferrua Ernesto: 14in
Ferrua Giovanni: 14in
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 103
Figlie di San Paolo (Le), by C. A. Martini: 66in, 99in, 131in
First Week of the month
- week of devotions introduced: 203in
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 103
- to be form for others: 14
- and flight: 14
- and internal mortification: 15
- and prayer: 15
- and studium perfectionis: 15
- must be modeled after the Divine Master: 14
- thereby we live in Jesus Christ: 14
Formazione della Pia Società San Paolo (La), by G. Rocca: 62in, 65in, 72in, 89in, 106in, 107in
- gift of the Holy Spirit: 102
Forty-eight hours adoration: 78in
Fossano (San Lorenzo): 11in
- male-religious branch, female-religious branch, lay-male-female branch: 65in
- the Founder's journey, the Foundation's journey: 9in
Four ends
- to adore, to thank, to ask pardon, to ask for graces: 56
Francis of Sales (Saint): 32in, 43in, 69in, 103in
- patron of journalists: 136in
Francis of Assisi (Saint): 109in
Friend: 29, 80
Future: 10, 80
Gamaliel: 108in
Gandolfo Guido: 25in
Gastaldi Pietro Paolo: 81in
Gazzetta d'Alba: 60in, 61in, 85in, 135in, 136in
- Fr. Giaccardo, director: 89in, 96in
Gemma Galgani (Saint): 49
General historical references of the Pious Society of St. Paul: 151in
Gerlotto Metilde: 160in
Gesù Cristo Re, book by F. Chiesa
- kingdom of Jesus Christ in the mind, in the will, in the heart, in the body: 171in
- review in La Civiltà Cattolica: 169in
- the book Gesù Cristo Re expression of Christ Way: 169in
- the book Gesù Cristo Re, commentary on the encyclical Quas primas: 169in
Gesù Maestro, book by F. Chiesa: 104in
- among the intellectual gifts, the first gift of Jesus Master is knowledge: 179in
- cooperation with Jesus Master through the press apostolate: 190in
- five readings on Jesus' means of teaching: 190in
- Grace, the most important means of education utilized by Jesus: 188in
- Jesus Master by nature, by vocation, necessary Master, Master by universal acceptance: 177in
- Jesus teaches knowledge for the mind, morals for the will, art for healing and fortifying the heart: 189in
- Life, the pedagogical plastic does not stop with instruction but proposes education as its end: 186in
- need of the Master: 175in
- our duties face to face with the teaching of the Divine Master: 190in
- personalities formed at the school of Jesus Master: 187in
- review of the book in La Civiltà Cattolica: 174in
- subject matter of Jesus' teaching: knowledge, morals, means of salvation: 190in
- the book of Francesco Chiesa and the trinomial example, to illumine, to sanctify: 173in
- the Jesus Master method: 180in
- the means of formation adopted by Jesus in education: 187in
- the moral gift of exemplarity: 181in
- the moral gift that summarizes all the others, charity: 182in
- the parts of the book Gesù Maestro: 174in
- the pedagogical plastic: 187in
- the pedagogical qualities, ut doceat, delectet, moveat: 183in
- the qualities of Jesus: knowledge, exemplarity, charity: 178in
- the trinomial way, truth and life: 176in
- Truth, the illumination of the mind in spousal terms: 184in
- truth, way, life with joyous and progressive view: 183in
- Way, pedagogical terpetics, art of delighting and drawing the students' interest: 185in
Giaccardo Giuseppe Timoteo (Blessed)
- aggression by a fascist: 96in
- and prayer for a new institution: 57in
- priestly ordination: 87in
- vocation itinerary: 60in
- the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: 101
Gilli Paolino Marcellino: 100in; 6
Giornalino: 164in
Giovannini Luigi: 10in
God: 11, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 28, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, 62, 63, 65, 68, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 80, 83, 93, 96, 101, 102
- ascent to God: 74
- created in order to become participants of his happiness: 21
- created to give glory to God: 21
- Creator, Lord, End: 45
- Creator: 15, 18
- different degrees of love of God: 26
- eternal glorification of God: 35
- everything was received from God: 27
- examination of service to God: 33
- God is faithful: 29, 31
- God wants to be glorified as Bonus (Good): 61
- God, One and Three is the unum necessarium of the Gospel of Martha and Mary: 123in
- God's Providence: 19
- Governor: 15, 19
- in the world, there is God's thesis: Ego bonus: 31
- incarnating God in us: 36
- intimacy with God: 46
- man drawn out of God's hands: 35
- perfecting knowledge of God: 26
- service to God: 23
- struggle of the I against God: 45
- supreme end: 15
- the gifts of God: 84
- the hand of God on me, how he led us: 6in
- the hand of God on me: 7in
- the will of God, guide and ruler and everything is done for God alone: 162in
- the world, imperfect kingdom of God: 35
- thinking like God in Jesus Christ: 25
- to fall into the hands of the living God: 33
- to glorify God: 62
- to seek his will, his glory, his pleasure: 162in
- to seek the Kingdom of God: 81in
- trust in God: 13, 29
- Unity in the Trinity of God: 47
- we return to the hands of God: 33
- we were created by God: 21
- who is God?: 17
- will of God in superiors, in events, in one's self: 20
- will of God is the great sun: 20
- will of God: 32
God sees me: 81in
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 103
- in itself contemplating the divine goodness, loving it with perfection, enjoying it: 62
- spread of Divine Goodness: 61
Goods, present
- means for heaven: 99
Gospel: 19in; 11, 12, 38, 42, 47, 50, 63, 65, 69, 93, 95
- and the role of women: 113in
- attention to the spread of the Gospel: 146in
- censured by the Vice Prefect on the bulletins: 68in
- first reading, first concept for all: 48
- Jesus-Host clothed with bread, Jesus-Word clothed with paper: 146in
- presents Jesus surrounded by apostles and disciples, men and women: 112in
- reattach the intelligence of our people to the divine mind: 146in
- spread of the Gospel among Christian families: 164in
Grace: 11, 16, 18, 21, 23, 27, 28, 32, 36, 38, 39, 42, 47, 49, 50, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 65, 67, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78
- actual grace is obtained through prayer: 60
- effects of Grace: 59
- first, second, thousandth: 46, 57
- need for actual grace: 60
- our actions are the material part, grace is the soul: 57
- produces holy affection in the heart: 60
- produces illustration to the mind: 60
- produces inspiration to the will: 60
- sanctifying grace makes us coheirs with Jesus and heirs of heaven: 59
- state of grace: 45, 46, 47
- the means of Grace: 58
- the soul's life: 56
Gregory (Saint): 117in
Gregory of Nazianzene (Saint): 126in
Gregory of Nissa (Saint): 126in
Gregory the Great (Saint): 32in, 103in
Grignion de Montfort Louis (Saint): 43in
Haering Bernard: 81
Happiness: 26
- where happiness is: 26
Heart: 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26, 33, 38, 40, 51, 53, 54, 58, 65, 70, 74, 75, 78, 81, 84, 87, 91, 99
- and the joy of God: 16
- the heart of Jesus Christ: 64
- with the heart satisfied: 24
- and total glorification: 62
- created in order to become participants of God's happiness in heaven: 21
- desire for heaven, king of all desires: 25
- effects of chastity in heaven, on earth: 87
- familiarization with heaven: 10
- heaven being joy: 16
- heaven is the loving enjoyment of the achieved objective: 72
- hope, the certainty so much for heaven, as much for reaching it: 71
- in heaven, obedience shall exalt the obedient above everyone: 86
- it is in common life that heaven is earned: 91
- Jesus Christ is the way to heaven, the only way, the sure way: 99
- man is created for heaven, only for heaven: 99
- not to work for heaven means to be lost: 21
- Passion, the kingly way to heaven: 54
- path to heaven: 39
- Penance closes hell, opens heaven: 34
- sacred science makes the occupation of heaven forthcoming: 51
- Sacred Scriptures, letter inviting to heaven and teaching the way to heaven: 52
- sanctifying grace makes one coheir of Jesus and heir of heaven: 59
- sent the Son to mark the path to heaven: 48
- St. Paul, from heaven, most powerful: 96
- the orientation of life towards Heaven: 13
- the path to heaven was lost: 40
- the present goods, means for heaven: 99
- the spiritual director enlightens, watches over, supports until the paternal house in heaven: 80
- the thought of heaven: 24
- the three paths to heaven: 83
- to definitively set one's heart, efforts, work for heaven: 99
- to desire temporal goods as means for heaven, fear lest they became snares of perdition: 27
- to enter heaven: 55
- to prepare for us the desire for heaven: 25
- Visit, the antechamber of heaven: 77
- we come from heaven, we go to heaven: 36
History: 94, 95
Hope: 31, 61, 67, 72, 81, 96
- definition: 101
- description and prerogatives of hope: 71
- a special light came from the Host: 24in
House. See Casa
: 15, 18, 19, 37, 40, 41, 45, 51, 52, 53, 59, 75, 79, 80, 91
- degrees of humility: 27
- three levels of humility: 28
Hunger: 66in
- O Via, Vita, Veritas: 6
- Sorgiam con impetuoso ardore: 66in
Ignatius of Loyola (Saint): 137in; 80
- method of mental prayer: 79
- Principle and Foundation of the Spiritual Exercises: 23
- Spiritual Exercises: 10
- title of the Spiritual Exercises: 9
- image repaired in the Son of God: 35
- the scarred image of man: 35
Imagination: 12, 15, 30, 87
«In Domino»: 81in
Incarnation: 37
- divine infancy: 49
Instaurare omnia in Christo: 165in
- gift of the Holy Spirit: 101
Intelligence: 11, 12, 21, 22, 38, 70, 78, 80, 91
- perfection of the intelligence: 81
- use of the intelligence: 22
- right intention: 45
- the right intention: 46
- purity of intention: 45
- historical or literal, ascetical or allegorical interpretation: 116in
Introduzione all'Ascetica: 215in
Irenaeus (Saint): 11
- only two are the irritations: 69in
Jerome (Saint): 21
- Life: 40
- Divine Master, private life: 14
- Divine Master: 47
- easy model, divine: 41
- has the best method of education: 50
- his life, most holy: 41
- his predilection: 43
- his relations with the Father, with the Holy Spirit and with human beings: 47
- his sufferings: 54
- Jesus, Truth: 49, 50
- life, private: 42
- life, public: 42
- Master, Life: 40
- Master, life: 43
- Master, model of youth: 43
- Master, Truth: 39
- Master, truth: 43
- Master, Way: 39
- model: 44
- only Master: 50
- perfect dispositions: 43
- public, individual, familial, exterior, interior life: 47
- summum igitur studium nostrum sit in vita Christi meditari: 41
- the beloved Son: 41
- Truth: 49
- Way for the youth: 43
- Way of merit: 44
- way to glory: 40
- Way: 40, 41
Jesus Christ: 115in; 7, 14, 16, 28, 46, 56, 58, 59, 64, 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 84, 93, 96
- adherence of the mind, heart, will to Christ: 75
- aimed only on the Father: 45
- and Martha and Mary: 115in
- author of grace: 59
- bear J. Christ Truth, Way, Life in us: 37
- centrality of Christ, Way, Truth and Life in the Casa: 158in
- Christ alone is the way and the life: 146in
- Christ lives, thinks, works, loves, suffers, dies and rises again in us: 64
- Christ, head of regenerated humanity: 64
- Christ, Master, Way, Truth and Life: 123in
- Christ, Way, Truth and Life: 46in, 48in
- devotion to Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life: 27in
- Divine Master: 39
- Eucharistic Jesus Master: 144in
- everyone of his action is of infinite value: 57
- first month dedicated to Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life: 153in
- Glory to the Son: 37
- God and man: 77
- has reopened heaven for us: 24
- his life is a thesis: 44
- in every step, illumined by the Holy Spirit: 63
- in him holiness, divine life are incarnated: 64
- initiatives and teachings unified in Christ, Way, Truth and Life: 149in
- is life: 65, 75
- is the true friend: 29
- is the way to heaven, the only way, the sure way: 99
- is truth: 65, 75
- is way: 65, 75
- Jesus Christ's life is infinite: 58
- Jesus is the Reconciler: 34
- Jesus Life: 157in
- Jesus Master Way, Truth and Life: 166in, 199in
- Jesus Truth: 156in
- Jesus Way, Truth and Life: 167in
- Jesus Way: 155in
- Jesus, Way, Truth and Life, example, teacher, sanctifier: 154in
- Life for the heart: 38
- life, through which the heart and life shall remain in journey: 99
- Life: 46in
- made the most rightful use of creatures: 22
- matching between Life-Example: 168in
- matching between Life-Grace: 168in
- matching of Truth, Master, Doctrine: 168in
- model of all ages, conditions, times: 48
- model-way: 48
- mysteries of the life of Christ: 114in
- nourishing ourselves each day with Jesus Christ way, truth, life: 11
- per ipsum, cum ipso, in ipso: 49, 56
- perfect amendment: 57
- perfect, divine Way: 48
- perfectly accomplished God's will: 44
- reconciliation is the universal mission of Jesus Christ: 34
- set your eyes on the Divine Master: 44
- so that Christ Way, Truth and Life reigns in the world: 52in
- so that Jesus Christ may be incarnated in us: 37
- source of life in the Eucharist and in the Gospel: 146in
- the Divine Master in the Church spreads his rays that are the way, the truth, and the life: 166in
- the Divine Master is life that sanctifies: 157in
- the Divine Master is the life that gives the grace of believing and doing: 158in
- the Divine Master is the truth that illumines: 158in
- the Divine Master is the Way that gives the example: 158in
- the Divine Master is way that leads, truth that illumines, life that sanctifies: 152in
- the Divine Master's month: 152in
- the Son has obtained grace: 67
- the Son has proposed his divine truths: 67
- the Son, Master sent by the Father: 35
- the three redemption roles or functions: 51in
- Theology of the Son: 28
- thereby honoring J. Christ Master: 38
- through mortification, one shall have Jesus Christ way: 12
- to imitate Our Lord Jesus Christ is everyone's obligation: 48
- to let J. C. live in us: 9
- transformation in Jesus Christ: 49
- Truth for the intelligence: 38
- truth, guide for the mind: 99
- Truth: 46in
- vita et resurrectio: 29
- Way for the will: 38
- Way, Truth and Life: 51in
- Way, Truth, Life: 77
- Way: 46in
- we can and let us do what he has done: 64
- we shall stay close to the Master: 111in
- with Communion, Visit, Mass, one will have Jesus Christ, Life: 12
- with Jesus Christ, to make amends for our sins: 28
- with the Gospel and meditation, one shall live the truth Jesus Christ: 12
Jesus Life 54, 55
- abundantius habeant: 57
- eternal, substantial: 40
- Jesus Life is grace: 55
- Jesus Life, supernatural life: 55
- Jesus' life: loss, breath, growth: 55
Jesus Master
- has words of eternal life: 39
Jesus Redeemer: 55
- asked for graces: 56
- encyclical of Leo XIII: 23in
- has amended for sins: 56
- has done in ipso et cum ipso et per ipsum: 56
- thanked: 56
- worshipped: 56
Jesus Truth
- the discourse on the mountain: 51
Jesus Way: 40, 48
John Berchmans (Saint): 32in, 103in; 92
John Bosco (Saint): 80
- Blessed Bosco: 80
John Chrisostom (Saint): 74in, 126in; 96
John of the Cross (Saint): 49
John the Baptist (Saint): 37, 49
John the Evangelist (Saint): 49
Joseph (Saint): 37, 41, 42, 80
Joseph, Cafasso (Saint): 21, 105
- fruit of the Holy Spirit: 103
Jubilee, Costantinian: 56in
Judas: 29, 30
Judgment: 33
Ketteler Wilhelm: 128in
- if St. Paul were born today, he would be a journalist: 61in, 74in
- divine knowledge: 15
- gift of the Holy Spirit: 102
Krieg Cornelio: 49in, 50in
- a pastoral encyclopedia unified in Christ Truth, Way, Life: 49in
- three methods of Moral Theology: 49in