13. THE ONE WHO GOVERNS REPRESENTS GOD Rome, February 21, 1947
During the time of Lent, it is good to consider the Passion under the eucharistic aspect, that is, the Eucharist as Sacrifice.
The Holy Mass makes Jesus present among us. On our altars, we have the same Host, the same Victim, the same Priest of Calvary.
The Way of the Cross is a good devotion for you but I would recommend to you, above all, to take part fully in the Holy Mass which is the same Passion and Death of Jesus, renewed, offered up, made applicable again.
All the devotions are good, but the Mass is the queen, the sun of devotions.
1 The other devotions are in relation to the Mass and have worth as much as they help in making the Mass applicable.
Every grace comes to us from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Therefore, let the Masses be always more devout, let the days be a continuous preparation and thanksgiving, for this supreme act of piety.