Blessed James Alberione

Opera Omnia


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Rome, February 21, 1947

During the time of Lent, it is good to consider the Passion under the eucharistic aspect, that is, the Eucharist as Sacrifice.
The Holy Mass makes Jesus present among us. On our altars, we have the same Host, the same Victim, the same Priest of Calvary.
The Way of the Cross is a good devotion for you but I would recommend to you, above all, to take part fully in the Holy Mass which is the same Passion and Death of Jesus, renewed, offered up, made applicable again.
All the devotions are good, but the Mass is the queen, the sun of devotions.1 The other devotions are in relation to the Mass and have worth as much as they help in making the Mass applicable.
Every grace comes to us from the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. Therefore, let the Masses be always more devout, let the days be a continuous preparation and thanksgiving, for this supreme act of piety.
The life of the Pious Disciple is totally oriented towards the ideal expressed in the Song of Songs: Dilectus meus mihi et ego illi1 (My beloved is mine and I am his). The motive of every direction given to you must end up here: Does Jesus Host like it? I like it, too.
You must pray a great deal now for the establishment of your Government.
Government means: to represent God, to be clothed with authority, to be concern with the moral direction of the subjects; to be vigilant so that the persons may be safe from dangers for their soul and may achieve salvation and holiness.
It is not a political government, but spiritual; not a government of tyranny, of shrewdness, but of wisdom and of love.
The Lord places here on earth the person who is to represent him. In the Holy Family, he wanted St. Joseph to represent the Heavenly Father and like a good son,1 Jesus obeyed St. Joseph..
St. Joseph and Our Lady had real authority over Jesus. When they found him in the temple, Jesus' Mother was moved to reproach him: Son, why have you done this to us? You see that your father and I have been searching for you.2 Jesus put them right: Did you not know I had to be in my Father's house? 3
Authority counts in as much as it represents God. The Pope, bishops, priests, superiors of every Institute and whoever has the task to lead souls towards Heaven, represent God.
Nothing is more conforting in this world than this: I am sure I am doing God's will!
But who told you? I have not had any special revelation, but Mother said so. She represents God and that is enough for me!
What happiness flows from such security!
You do not have the freedom of choice, but you have the certainty of being in the of will of God. Therefore, the person who obeys can always live in joy and have great trust.
The government is a duty of charity, for the greater benefit of everyone.
To govern means to serve. The Lord gives the graces in proportion to and corresponding with the duty he assigns. He enlightens, expands the person's heart, makes up for what is lacking. He guides the Superiors to know his will and to communicate it properly, to help the persons in the work of their salvation. Count much on these graces.
It is the duty of the Superiors to pray a great deal for those who are their subjects. It is the duty of the subjects to pray a lot for their own Superiors.
Whoever is to be subject to another is not to feel humiliated. To serve God is to reign; to serve God does not humiliate but exalts, because if the one who commands represents God, the one who obeys submits herself to God himself.
Nevertheless, in the choice of Superiors, the persons who are more esteemed, more suited, have to be appointed.
Obey with faith and for love and not because the person in charge is nice and pleasing to us, intelligent, experienced, etc.
Naturally, it is easier to obey someone who treats us with kindness, who shows us a lot of good will. There is more merit, however, where the effort is greater, as in the case when you have to deal with an impolite superior, who hardly manifests satisfaction with our work.
To do things solely for God establishes us within reality, without illusions.
Death shall come and the account is to be made. Blessed is the Sister who has always been obedient, who acted for God alone! She is worthy of a great reward.
With death, the worldly persons lose everything. The good religious gain everything with death.
Between the person who governs and the one being governed, a holy friendship is formed, a spiritual union is closely drawn which helps in attaining the eternal reward.
At the end of everything, the crown of every command and of every act of obedience carried out for God's love is Paradise, Paradise! It is the same for the one who governs and for the one being governed, with the difference that those who obey shall find the way of perfection and the practice of the virtue made easier.

1 Words of St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622), Doctor of the Church.

1 Song 2, 16.

1 Cf. Lk. 2, 51.

2 Cf. Lk. 2, 48.

3 Cf. Lk. 2, 49.