YEAR 1947
- eucharistic: 353, 379.
Adam: 339, 386, 440.
Adoration: 111, 114, 115, 117, 346,
349, 619.
- a means to immediately go to paradise:
- beautiful __ : 50, 125.
- closer to Jesus through __ : 124.
- common to all PD: 351.
- get into the __ of Jesus: 385.
- great treasure of two hours: 229.
- in __ with Mary Most Holy: 116.
- in Christ and in the Church: 385.
- in the name of the Church: 386.
- main duty and apostolate: 384.
- ministry of __ : 115.
- of Jesus in heaven: 110.
- powerful __ : 236.
- religious habit for __ : 386.
- sacrifice in the __ : 92.
- the hours of __ to obtain grace: 64.
- united to the souls in purgatory: 113.
- your first duty: 126.
Adore: 147.
- in the Mass: 395, 396.
- in the Visit: 388.
Adorers: 114.
- Association of __ : 353.
- Priests __ : 353.
Altar /s: 238, 402, 444.
- at the service of the __ : 445.
- adorn it with flowers, take care of the __ :
102, 475, 608.
- diligent in preparing the __ : 233.
- the gold of heaven: 148.
- Jesus sacrifices himself on our __ :331.
- the souls may arrived at the __ : 135.
-two __ on Calvary: the cross, the heart
of Mary: 3, 333.
- on the __, we have the same Host of
the Calvary: 162.
- on the __, we offer the sorrows of
Jesus and Mary: 3.
Amiability: 315
Ananias: 382.
Angel /s: 227, 320, 401, 443, 538, 575.
- absorbed in God like the __ : 41.
- __ of the Annunciation: 3,
- choir of __ : 396, 399.
- custodians of paradise: 115
- they adore, love, give thanks in heaven:
37, 110.
- they seek for the face of God: 38.
- they serve at the golden altar: 148.
- they sing in the grotto: 290, 331, 573.
- to be glad with the __ : 18.
- to bless God in his __ : 293.
- we will see them in paradise: 476.
- to celebrate the __ of Baptism, Confir-
mation, First Communion: 484.
- birth __ : 252.
Anointing of the sick:
- fruits: 601, 602, 603, 604, 605.
- make it known with the Liturgical
apostolate: 607.
- perfects the grace: 598, 600, 601.
- sacrament of completion: 595, 597.
Annunciation: 412.
Apostle /s: 94, 111, 137, 148, 276, 297,
318, 322, 329, 396, 578.
- discourses of the __ : 543.
- Jesus __ par excellence: 269, 413.
- like Our Lady, imitating her: 177.
- Mary, Teacher of the __ : 94.
- Mother of Jesus and of the __ : 127,
145, 413.
- of suffering: 343.
- of the Rosary: 363.
- to give __ to the Church: 72.
- woman __, PD as __ of the Eucharist:
350, 355.
- the shepherds are the first __ : 34.
Apostolate /s: 7, 9, 50, 60, 62, 63, 65,
90, 104, 144, 180, 232, 246, 271, 188,
292, 295, 323, 343, 394, 408, 422, 423,
455, 570.
- desires, missionary, charity: 270, 291.
- eucharistic __: 350, 352, 355, 356.
- eucharistic, priestly, liturgical: 346, 424.
- flower of charity: 292.
- for the glory of God: 267, 554.
- fruit of the Mass: 404, 407.
- fundamental: 50, 151.
- in collaboration with the Priesthood: 510.
- it is extended to the whole Church: 455.
- it is precious, magnificent, immense,
insuperable, the most beautiful: 44, 46,
49, 140, 355.
- liturgical __ : 146, 151, 468, 505, 545,
546, 548, 551, 554.
- not only exterior activity: 268.
- of good example: 305.
- of interior life: 8, 270, 272, 273.
- of Jesus: 269, 580.
- of prayer: 270, 325, 327, 330, 331.
- of sanctification: 270, 272.
- of suffering: 270, 338, 343, 345, 409.
- of the Church: 349.
- of the editions: 135.
- of the press, radio, film: 105.
- of the Virgin: 145.
- of worship influence souls: 150.
- part of your __ is to offer suffrages
for the deceased priest: 465.
- priestly __ : 414, 439.
- to carry it out with attention, in silence: 49.
- to imitate Mary in the __ : 149, 622.
- to organize the __ well: 434.
- to produce: 585.
- with the __ of prayer, you support
the DSP: 47.
- with the liturgical __, make known
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the sick: 607.
- with wisdom, piety and humility:
500, 509, 510, 513.
- with the Rosary: 379.
- your __ is in the heart of the Church: 178.
- heart: 9, 120.
- desires: 289.
- of the Church: 348.
Architecture: 152.
Arts: 152.
- __ taste: 152, 553.
Ascension: 297, 412, 451, 466.
- not that forms a lukewarm piety: 301.
- study of __ : 505.
Assumption: 609, 617.
- to one's own esteem and will: 247.
- of Joseph and Mary on Jesus: 165.
- of the Congregation's government: 164.
- represents God: 166.
Baptism: 74, 261, 328.
- completed by Penance: 597.
- is the door of the Sacraments: 566.
- makes up for Adam's sin: 339 .
- raised up to supernatural life, render as
God's children: 562, 563.
- to celebrate the anniversary of __ : 484.
- to revive the grace of __ : 558.
Beauty /s :
- Bridegroom of singular __ : 489.
- eternal __ : 492.
- in God's dwelling: 489.
- of God: 476, 514.
Behavior: 313, 538.
- edifying __ : 315, 316.
- effect of __ : 319.
- take care of the Liturgy: 547.
- their liturgical function in the Church: 144.
Bethany: 276, 580, 611.
Bethlehem: 3, 88, 157, 230, 331, 337, 573.
- illustrated in cards or pictures: 554.
- reading of the __ : 486.
- desires of the __ : 90.
- to obtain graces for the __ : 49.
- represent God: 166.
Blessing, to bless: 395.
- from the Tabernacle: 355.
- of God: 12.
- of Jesus Master: 14, 184.
- of Primo Maestro: 144, 555.
- of the Church: 477, 485.
- of the Lord: 237.
- of the resolutions: 434.
- to __ Jesus even in adversities: 194.
Body: 253, 257.
Book /s : 301.
- Imitation of Christ: 301.
- liturgical __ : 607.
- prayers of the House: 357.
- printing, diffusion: 477.
- The interior apostolate: 272.
- The soul of every apostolate: 272.
- The woman associated to priestly zeal: 504.
- your __, Eucharistic Jesus: 531.
- daily __: 399
- of heaven, eucharistic: 351, 439, 523, 573.
Breviary: 261, 385, 475.
- penetrate its meaning and recite it well: 478.
Bride, bridegroom: 383, 392.
- makes hers the Bridegroom's interests: 331, 427.
- of Jesus: 264, 294, 298, 299, 489.
- the Church as __ : 386.
- the __ is with you: 496.
Call, Calling:
- to the apostolate: 543.
- the Lord Jesus had __ you to a great intimacy, to work in the Church: 239, 241, 243, 246.
- nobility and greatness of your __ : 405.
Calvary: 3, 108, 162, 172, 314, 333, 344, 439.
Capernaum: 578, 580.
- all illustrated: 153.
Cenacle: 327, 439.
Center/ s:
- of diffusion: 548.
- small__ in every parish: 549.
Charity: 202, 315, 528.
- acts of __ : 394,
- apostolate is the flower of __ : 292.
- apostolate of __ : 270, 585.
- __ of the heart: 430.
- first virtue: 529.
- gift of __: 205.
- more ardent __ : 273.
- of Christ, of the Divine Master: 298, 527.
- of the priest for the deceased PD: 463.
- of the PD for the deceased priest: 467.
- consecrated: 77.
- grace of __ : 104.
- perfect: 619.
- vow of __ : 263, 264.
Child Jesus: 274, 451, 575.
Christianity: 279.
Christmas: 230.
Church: 144, 178, 222, 244, 248, 281, 282, 297, 298, 330, 343, 355, 356, 385, 386, 401, 409, 415, 489, 511.
- a religious Family in the __ (PD): 43, 133, 178.
- assembled in Heaven: 106.
- attracts with the worship: 150.
- desires and needs of the __ : 96.
- doctrine of the __: 154.
- God the Father and Mary, Mother of the __ : 83.
- heretics, schismatics, outside of the Catholic __ : 42.
- infallible: 471.
- intimacy with the __ : 90.
- life of the __ : 282.
- liturgy of the __ : 152.
- many people do not know the __ : 74.
- Mary's duty in the __ : 177.
- militant, suffering, triumphant: 395, 482.
- music in accordance to the dispositions of the __ : 158.
- Mystical Body of Jesus: 99, 127, 280.
- praises God with the lips of priests and virgins: 386.
- prayer for the __ : 43, 104.
- precepts of the __: 259.
- spirit of the __ : 122, 140, 146.
- to feel with the __ : 90, 95.
- to give collaboration, many priests to the __ : 72, 78, 137, 174.
- to thank for the __ : 396.
- united to the __ : 399.
- your place in the __ : 217, 221.
- wise: 507.
Church / es (building): 350, 352.
- construction of the __ : 10, 402, 479.
- is adorned: 102, 600.
- of the Pious Disciples: 147.
- of the Queen of Apostles: 6, 446, 479.
- of St. Paul and of the Divine Master in Alba: 6, 357, 479.
- pious work for the poor __ : 156.
- those who needs care: 155.
- to obtain graces for the __ : 49, 406.
- that they may be holy: 298.
- in prayer, in the observance: 304, 309.
- among religious families: 139.
- in preparing vocations: 177.
- of the woman: 439.
- to liturgy: 477.
- to the Church: 137.
- with the Heavenly Father: 586.
- with the priests in the ministry: 177.
Commandments: 262, 263, 234, 265, 303, 558, 559, 560
Communion: 18, 26, 28, 69, 135, 209, 219, 261, 350, 409, 497.
- fervent, they obtain grace: 64, 273, 384, 394.
- for deceased priests: 467.
- habitual, continuous, spiritual __ in Adoration: 40, 41, 391.
- make reparation with __ : 23 .
- of the first Sunday, of first Fridays: 353.
- of the Virgin with God: 145.
- preparation to and thanksgiving: 495.
- prolonged throughout the day: 37.
- represents Paradise: 208.
- with God in heaven: 476.
- with the Most Holy trinity: 189.
Community: 263, 279, 315.
- bad example injures the __ : 313.
- be poor: 582.
- few holy sisters in certain __ : 285.
- that perseveres in religious observance: 317.
Confession: 74, 261, 286, 302, 319, 394, 444, 614.
- every week: 383.
- extraordinary, general: 247.
- with faith and sorrow: 273.
- may persons go to the __ : 134.
- to be brief in the __ : 444, 458.
Confessor /s: 310, 381, 382.
- to obtain __ for the Church: 72, 78.
- to often change __ makes it difficult to sanctify oneself: 621.
- saints in Heaven: 396, 476.
Confidence: 246, 249, 251.
- in God: 436.
- united to humility: 229, 239, 244.
- the Holy Spirit is poured out in __ : 474.
- to celebrate the anniversary of __ : 484.
Congregation: (see also Institute):
63, 68, 127, 239, 420, 432, 583.
- it is in the guardianship of the Heavenly Father: 198.
- it will be as you prepare it: 181.
- to love, to give oneself to the __ : 58, 65.
- delicateness of __ : 113.
- strange, wrong __ : 303.
- to purify the __ : 273.
- eucharistic worship: 354.
- to God : 354.
- to God a son/daughter: 445.
- four or five __ in every minute: 335.
- of the church: 477, 485.
- of the Mass: 495.
- to God: 218.
- moments of __ : 256.
- of God: 247.
Constitutions: 267, 281, 345, 395, 424, 468, 481, 544, 583.
Contardo Ferrini (Blessed): 21.
Contemplation: 105, 171, 488.
- Exercises of __ : 336.
- general __ : 614.
- obtained by prayer: 328.
- of a sinner: 321.
- through the liturgy, many __ take place: 553.
- in the construction of the house: 589.
- to the priesthood: 43.
- with the Heavenly Father: 586, 591, 592.
- in the Liturgical Apostolate: 549.
Co-redemptrix: 415.
Corpus Domini: 230, 238.
- your feast: 222, 475.
- to correct ourselves every day: 13, 273.
- each day there is the grace to __ : 561.
- to grace: 594, 614.
- to the designs of Jesus: 245.
Counsel /s:
- evangelical __ and others: 77, 179, 262.
- there are at least ten: 300.
- beginning of __: 252, 396.
- book of the Father: 469.
- why we are created: 252.
Cross: 3, 38, 194, 330, 333, 338, 340, 342, 344.
- fruits of the __ : 172.
- Jesus saved us with the __ : 265, 331, 344.
- poverty of the __ : 337.
- royal way of the __ : 341.
- sacrifice of the __, Jesus' offering to the Father: 330, 460.
- sign of the __ : 478.
- to love the __ : 345.
Crucifixion: 3.
Curiosity: 247, 537.
Daniel: 294.
Daughters of St. Paul:
- complete and support them with prayer and sacrifices: 47.
- have much love for each other: 47.
- participate in the Masses of the Pauline priests: 404.
Day /s : 340, 341, 495.
- every __, we have the grace so as to get closer to God: 435, 561.
- __ of birth of the Saints: 230.
- __ of death, judgment; eternal: 454, 496, 555.
- full working __ of Jesus: 327.
- humble __ of Mary: 576.
- spent for God: 15.
- to make the festive __ holy: 298.
Death: 123, 169, 197, 199, 220, 248, 298,
339, 342, 387, 452, 463, 556, 614.
- act of acceptance of __ : 254, 601.
- penalty for sin: 253.
- __ of the religious to herself: 265.
- __ of Jesus: 121, 162, 265, 344, 473.
- in the postulancy and novitiate: 55.
- total __ of oneself to God: 29, 54, 117, 302, 461.
- to the sacrament of love: 133.
Design /s:
- of God, of the Lord: 145, 239.
- of the Divine Master: 245, 249, 342.
Desire/ s: 58, 112, 217, 220, 262, 288, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 491.
- apostolate of __ : 8, 102, 270, 287, 291.
- apostolic, ardent or cold, indifferent,
good or bad: 141, 273, 289, 298.
- Daniel, man of __ : 294.
- I placed in the chalice your __ : (PM) 2
- Jesus blesses the __ : 14.
- of the Church: 95, 96, 386.
- of the Divine Master: 105, 542.
- of the Heart of Jesus: 79, 89, 90, 136, 214, 282, 290, 299, 300, 301, 331.
- of Mary Most Holy: 174, 225, 232, 297.
Devotion: 124, 455.
- eucharistic, pious, generous, true: 117, 130, 285, 354.
- in some pictures, frames, statues, there is no __: 550.
- Mass, queen of __ : 162.
- ministry of __ : 115.
- to Jesus Master, to the sacrament of love: 26, 127, 133.
- to Mary Queen of the Apostles: 97, 231, 232, 445, 552.
Diffusion: 159, 607.
- of souls: 383.
Disciple / s: (see Pious Disciples)
- and the priest: 4, 72.
- attentive in listening to the Word: 329.
- fervent __ obtain priests: 78.
- Mary, perfect __ : 3.
- may every priest find a PD: 68.
- of Jesus, are in His Heart: 49, 341.
- relationship between the __ and Jesus: 4.
- requires sacrifices: 312.
Divine Office: 425.
- ascetical, mystical, dogmatic, moral are
contained in the liturgy: 492.
- of Jesus: 115, 136.
- of love: 20.
- of St. Paul: 392.
- of the Church: 154.
Dogma /s:
- to illustrate the __ : 554.
- to penetrate the __ : 488.
Domus Dei: 6, 151.
Donna Zelia: 73.
Duty /ies:
- graces in proportion to the __: 167.
- of Our Lady: 44, 81, 86, 88, 94, 145, 177.
- to assist, to pray for the priesthood: 77, 78, 87.
- your __ to the Church: 72, 94.
- apostolate of the __ : 270.
- press, films, radio, etc.: 105, 135.
- to make reparations for the sins of the __: 118.
Egypt: 575.
Embroidery: 155, 480.
- a real penance for whoever is diligent: 596.
- of conscience: 125, 273, 302, 304, 319, 390, 537.
- of others: 428.
- profound __ during retreats: 286.
Example: 241, 319.
- apostolate of good __ : 270, 291, 305, 315, 316, 531.
- bad __ : 306, 307, 310, 313.
- most effective training: 318.
- of deceased priest: 467.
- of Jesus Divine Master: 318, 543.
- of Mary Most Holy: 43.
- of religious life: 517.
Exercises: 238, 247, 286, 302, 304, 354, 389, 420, 428, 493, 541.
- are continuous prayers: 249.
- for religious and novices: 337.
- like a sacramental: 435 .
- of conversion, eucharistic, progress, perfection: 336.
- to strengthen the interior life: 285.
- resolutions of the __ : 426.
Eternity: 104, 110, 123, 220, 256, 257, 258, 386, 414, 452, 538.
- is love: 20.
- preparation for __ : 255.
- the time that merits __ : 539.
- to glorify the Most Holy Trinity: 495.
Eucharist: 27, 106, 111, 136, 229, 230, 334, 350, 351, 353, 359, 381, 409, 475, 500.
- God dwells in the __ : 133.
- Jesus is present: 135.
- Mysterium fidei: 527.
- outpouring of love, Sacrifice: 162, 202.
- Rosary and the __ : 363.
- to glorify the Most Holy __ : 353.
- to know and make known the mystery of the __ : 355, 477.
- the Gospel virtues in the __ : 520.
- the Holy Spirit is poured out in the __, is your delight: 110, 474.
- treatise De Eucharistia: 349.
- __ apostolate: 346, 356, 409, 424.
- __ day and life: 27, 112, 122, 130, 133, 495.
- __ devotion, piety, worship: 49, 130, 354.
- __ Exercises: 336.
- __ Heart of Jesus: 106, 113, 336.
- __ - liturgical prayer: 43.
- __ Master: 122.
- __ Mystery: 105, 117, 127.
- __ souls: 123, 345.
- __ specie: 405, 408, 475, 501
Eucharistic publications: 352.
Extreme Unction (see Anointing of the Sick)
Family, religious: 130, 139, 196, 239, 583.
- dedicated to prayer: 43, 133.
- to merit for our __ : 49.
- your __ is under the action of the Holy Spirit: 160.
- your __ in heaven: 110.
Faith: 42, 52, 185, 189, 236, 250, 281, 382, 394, 475, 558.
- exercises of __ : 389.
- greater __ in the Congregation: 273.
- in Jesus' passion, in the Mass: 398, 541.
- in the Eucharist: 336.
- in your ministry of prayer: 79.
- profound __ : 220.
- propagation of the __ : 298.
- spirit of __ : 192, 195, 201.
- to make reparation with acts of __ : 200.
- to obey with __ : 169.
Faithfulness, faithful: 51, 61, 179, 262, 479.
- to duties: 401.
- to the practices of piety: 64.
- to the profession: 266.
- to the religious vows: 560.
- to the vocation and mission: 257, 258.
- commands of the __, imitate the __ : 262, 318.
- of the prodigal son: 240.
Father, Heavenly: 108, 165, 185, 190, 194, 221, 247, 250, 274, 327, 330, 334, 337, 342, 344, 345, 380, 385, 393, 412, 458, 469, 473, 525.
- glory of the __ : 292, 298.
- in the guardianship of the __ :198.
- Mary offered the Risen Jesus to the __ : 466.
- that which is pleasing to the __ : 234, 390.
- to make the __ known, He is very good: 109, 438.
- will of the __ : 91, 254.
Fatima: 294, 323.
Fervor: 112, 273.
- generosity in your __ : 244.
- of Our Lady: 412, 622.
- first and ongoing __ : 421.
- house for the __ : 183.
- of the Apostles: 543, 544.
- of the priests: 10, 461.
- problem not sufficiently understood: 542.
- of God: 260.
- Mary grew up in the divine __ : 460.
Fruit /s: 24, 102, 103, 120, 125, 130, 178, 283, 405, 406, 543.
- Jesus, __ of Virgin Mary: 231.
- of good works: 536.
- of humility: 512.
- of the Anointing of the Sick: 601, 602.
- of the cross: 172.
- of the devotion to the Queen of the Apostles : 445.
- of the Holy Mass, communion, Visit: 395, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 408, 475.
- of preaching: 176, 352.
- of redemption: 321, 463, 474.
Function /s: 485.
- intimate participation: 146.
- in your churches should be beautiful,
devout, edifying: 147, 478.
- liturgical __ of the Benedictines: 144.
Gethsemane: 254, 344, 401.
Gift /s: 420.
- of charity: 205.
- of God: 196, 387.
- of liturgical sense and artistic taste: 533.
- of Mary: 138.
- of the Holy Spirit: 185, 391.
- the vocation: 11.
Glory: 139, 152, 454, 511, 569.
- inexhaustible in heaven: 265, 492.
- our life be a Glory: 41, 436.
- of the Most Holy Eucharist: 353.
- of the Divine Master, Savior: 132, 354, 473.
- of God and Lord: 7, 98, 145, 218, 224, 234, 267, 289, 292, 296, 298, 325, 331, 438.
- of Mary Most Holy, St. Joseph, Angels and Saints: 293.
- of the active and contemplative life: 616, 624.
- proportionate to grace: 103, 196, 330, 556.
- to God the Father, sang in heaven: 148 290, 573.
- to the Most Holy Trinity, to the Lord: 37, 148, 395, 401, 549.
- with the apostolate: 278.
- of prayer: 47, 49.
God: 11, 38, 45, 57, 63, 113, 145, 147, 150, 151, 154, 158, 161, 166, 188, 196, 197, 202, 206, 213, 217, 218, 221, 224, 227, 230, 233, 236, 237, 239, 243, 244, 247, 253, 255, 256, 258, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 267, 268, 279, 280, 289, 294, 296, 298, 319, 321, 323, 381, 383, 386, 387, 388, 393, 395, 396, 409, 410, 411, 435, 437, 450.
- Beginning: 397.
- Creator: 153.
- Father: 83.
- Providence: 15, 188.
- Wisdom: 195.
- all of __ : 226, 273, 278, 285, 302, 316, 357.
- authority represents __ : 164, 166, 168.
- bends down towards the humble, resists the proud: 39.
- called, guided by __ : 189, 517.
- caught up in __ : 41, 106.
- dedication, offering to __ : 29, 58.
- designs of the __ : 239.
- forgives and saves; 398.
- gives hospitality in heaven: 100.
- gives reward: 463.
- glory of __ : 7, 98, 148, 152, 155, 292.
- goodness of the __ : 185, 187, 188, 195, 201, 437, 489.
- hates sin: 285.
- hears the prayer: 250.
- intimacy with __ : 207, 383.
- is a hidden God: 133.
- is with you in the apostolate: 554.
- listen to the voice of __ : 196.
- Mary is all of __ : 225.
- of Abraham: 17.
- of the consolation: 247.
- presence of __ : 147, 287.
- to abandon in God: 58, 185.
- to seek, to know __ : 20, 469.
- to walk in the way of __ : 12, 20.
- to praise __ : 17, 293.
- to love, to imitate __ : 297, 318, 322.
- to see, to enjoy __ : 13, 141.
- to work for __ : 169, 170.
- wants all to be saved: 328.
- will of the __ : 8, 166, 188, 234, 235.
- of Jesus, the Divine Master: 387, 498, 543.
- of the Heavenly Father, infinite __ of God:185, 187, 188, 194, 195, 437, 438.
- where your goodness reach: 497.
Gospel: 111, 176, 300, 301, 470, 520, 543, 610, 613.
Govern, government: 170, 503, 518.
- of souls: 510.
- represents God, it means to serve: 164, 167.
- to pray for the establishment of your government: 164.
- with intelligence and maternal sense, it is the office of charity: 167, 449, 514.
Grace /s: 5, 18, 42, 112, 119, 124, 125, 146,173, 179, 184, 190, 196, 213, 218, 241, 243, 247, 261, 279, 281, 282, 286, 296, 319, 383, 395, 405, 409, 420, 438, 444, 445, 459, 463, 474, 492, 493, 497, 539, 541, 557, 559.
- count on the __ as if already granted: 53.
- degree of holiness and glory correspond to grace: 103, 556.
- for the Pauline Family: 404.
- for the Pope, bishops, clergy, religious: 49.
- __ to understand the priestly apostolate and to imitate the Most Holy Virgin: 439, 622.
- humility, persons full of God, attract __: 39, 278, 284, 320, 381.
- increases the meritorious value, vivifies the word: 328, 330.
- of Baptism: 560, 562.
- of the Mass and Communion: 162, 172, 384, 399.
- of the Anointing of the Sick: 605.
- of the vocation and profession: 383, 494.
- of intimacy and union with Jesus: 495, 556.
- of a beautiful paradise: 25.
- of Mary, Mother of the Divine __ : 6, 33, 135, 138, 616.
- of the Adoration, Communion and Rosary: 64, 357, 391, 561.
- of the office: 167, 449.
- to correspond to __, to make progress in __: 127, 180, 435, 561, 614.
- to turn away from and hate sin: 233, 260.
- to ask for the __ which are in the mind of PM: 25, 133.
- to thank for all the __ : 129.
Habit, religious: 266.
- for Adoration: 386.
- special for the vocation: 379.
- yours is dignified: 316.
Heart: 58, 141, 177, 179, 190, 233, 235, 237, 277, 280, 287, 299, 357, 390, 429, 554.
- all pure, all of Jesus: 56, 115, 157, 206, 231, 232, 280.
- apostolic __ : 9, 120, 343, 400.
- contrite __ : 401.
- eucharistic: 79, 106, 113, 214.
- humble: 431.
- intentions of the __ : 79, 121, 514.
- Mary, __ of the Church: 175.
- maternal: 517.
- meek and humble: 318.
- of Mary: 3, 27, 90, 124, 301,330, 333, 511.
- of the Church: 178, 356, 386.
- of God: 217.
- of the Divine Master: 136, 177, 324.
- of Jesus: 49, 260, 282, 290, 298, 300, 301, 331, 333, 601.
- Pauline Family in the __ of PM: 43.
- Sacred __ : 238, 241, 466.
- tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity: 28.
- the PD carries everybody in her __ : 399.
- to welcome Jesus, to bring God in the __ : 35, 143, 206.
Heaven: 100, 106, 107, 108, 110, 121, 123, 141, 166, 230, 290, 295, 321, 401, 476.
- beatific vision: 488, 489.
- bread: 351.
- eternal Mass of __ : 398.
- glory: 265.
- intimacy: 197.
- joy of __ : 208, 256.
- light: 227.
- life: 149.
- Mary yearned for __ : 297.
- Mary's prayers in __ : 116.
- participation to the most sublime liturgy: 148.
- the eternal Magnificat is sung in __ : 397.
Hell: 255, 259, 266.
- deliver us, Lord: 261.
- pity on those who make their way to hell: 323, 398.
Herod: 576.
Hiddenness: 269, 405, 408.
Hierarchy: 386.
Holiness: 8, 20, 71, 98, 112, 281, 301, 427, 433, 438, 517.
- degree of __ : 101, 103, 556.
- God is infinite in __ : 396.
- is formed by humility and trust: 436.
- Jesus, model of __ : 390.
- of Mary Most Holy: 225, 622.
- to grow in __ : 120, 180, 251.
Holy Spirit: 69, 204, 248, 420, 424, 469, 472, 543, 559.
- action, gifts of the __ : 184, 185, 391, 513.
- enlightens, guides your Family; is your Teacher: 160, 383.
- Liturgy, book of the __ : 146.
- makes the Church infallible: 471.
- Mary yearned for the __ : 297.
- works in persons and in the Church: 473, 474, 603.
Holy Week:
- liturgy of the __ : 204.
- of love: 202.
Hope: 273, 394, 466.
- for priests, religious: 455.
- beautiful, for the holy souls who live there: 572.
- earnings for building it: 423.
- fill it with merit: 570.
- for the formation: 183.
- in construction: 569, 589, 594.
- of heaven: 538.
- of the Annunciation: 576.
- of God: 151.
- of Milan: 184.
- religious __ : 266.
- your __ : 71, 112, 577.
- salvation of __ : 109, 145, 297.
- to thank in behalf of __ : 397.
- was stained and lost: 386, 401.
- __ action of the soul of interior life: 279.
- __ amiability: 315.
- Jesus gives grace to the __ : 39.
- Jesus, meek and __ : 318.
- __ life of Mary: 39, 84, 85, 149.
- __ souls, pleasing to Jesus: 34, 382.
Humiliation, humility: 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 245, 249, 251, 265, 275, 286, 315, 342, 381, 390, 436, 437, 443, 475, 511, 512, 585.
- attracts blessing and grace: 39, 49, 320.
- exercises and resolutions on __ : 337, 431.
- in life and in the apostolate: 431, 510, 513.
- of Jesus: 523, 526.
- of Mary: 38.
- so necessary to be roots: 405.
- to always walk in __ : 322, 405.
- to make reparation and save souls: 319.
- trust and __ : 221, 229.
- of the Divine Master and Eucharistic Jesus: 107, 336.
- of the Most Holy Virgin: 225, 622, 623.
Immaculate Conception: 293.
- in the Mass and Adoration: 388, 395, 399.
Incarnation: 3, 76, 84, 121, 295, 301.
- Daniel, prophet of the __ : 294.
- are reached by holy desires: 294.
- with prayer grace flows on the __: 279.
Innocence: 247, 475, 489.
- baptismal __ : 564.
- in children be conserved: 399.
Intention /s: 217, 299, 524.
- of the Pope: 121.
- with PM : 183.
- of Jesus: 79, 121, 331, 514, 573.
- of Mary: 121, 232.
- in the Adoration, Rosary, prayer: 113, 326, 361.
- righteous, purity of __ : 12, 461, 569, 581.
Intimacy, intimate: 219, 241, 243, 294, 392.
- with God: 207, 256, 286, 383.
- with heaven: 197, 219.
- with Jesus Divine Master: 12, 13, 20, 99, 125, 178, 191, 196, 245, 247.
- with the Church: 90.
- with the Most Holy Trinity: 189, 476.
- vocation of __ : 244.
Institute, institution (see also Congre-gation): 249, 307, 312, 425, 497, 519, 584, 593.
- future of the __ : 247, 421.
- get into her way, make progress: 239, 349, 420.
- God's will on the __ that requires greater perfection: 301, 503.
- own government: 449.
- relations with the priesthood: 447.
- religious observance, good of the __ : 312.
- rekindle the grace of the __ : 127.
- the Holy Spirit enlightens, sanctifies, guides the __ : 424.
Jansenism: 355.
Jerusalem: 466.
Jesus: 4, 10, 14, 20, 22, 23, 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, 39, 49, 59, 70, 91, 92, 97, 107, 113, 115, 123, 136, 142, 161, 162, 165, 177, 185, 186, 193, 194, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 214, 215, 216, 217, 222, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 235, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 249, 250, 254, 261, 264, 269, 275, 276, 277, 282, 284, 285, 286, 288, 296, 298, 300, 301, 314, 319, 322, 329, 332, 333, 335, 340, 341, 342, 343, 344, 351, 358, 381, 383, 385, 386, 392, 398, 399, 401, 412, 428, 430, 451, 454, 466, 484, 559, 575, 576, 580, 581.
- Apostle and Pontiff: 400, 413.
- billions of people do not know him: 42, 74.
- born in poverty, so poor: 157, 526, 571, 578.
- calls to a sublime mission: 81.
- calls to intimacy, union with him: 1, 3, 4, 20, 24, 26, 44, 90, 99, 125, 163, 183, 219, 220, 434, 495, 534.
- came to bring grace and salvation: 42, 564.
- clothed Mary in glory: 609.
- desires and intentions of __ : 79, 299, 331.
- Eternal High Priest and Victim: 86, 148, 172, 380, 439, 475.
- given by Mary, her fruit, bore Him in her heart: 27, 29, 38, 69, 138, 145, 405, 408.
- glorified by God: 17.
- grown, cared, defended by His Mother: 6, 87, 88, 89, 108, 176, 329, 608, 609.
- is always the hidden God: 352.
- is the Master: 380.
- Life: 56, 391.
- meek, patient, humble: 318, 520, 522.
- most pure, model of holiness, of religious life: 390, 522, 525, 573.
- Mystical Body: 99, 127.
- Name that spells sweetness, power and salvation: 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 292.
- obedient: 19, 524.
- pray-er per excellence: 385.
- prefers the humble, simple: 34.
- Real Presence: 28, 40, 135.
- religious of the Father: 337, 390, 525, 573.
- sacrament, eucharistic: 105, 110, 111, 251, 336, 405, 408, 531.
- saved us with suffering, with the cross, forgave all: 3, 90, 260, 330, 344, 508.
- speaks silently to every heart: 530.
- shall manifest Himself in heaven: 110.
- so good: 324, 541.
- to partake of __ : 134.
- wants all to be saved: 533.
- wherever may reign: 225, 233, 236.
- wants to make you saints: 541.
Jesus' Blood: 250, 297, 321, 398, 399, 401, 463, 471, 564.
Jesus Christ: 292, 340, 342, 418.
- atoned for sin: 253.
- author of grace: 484.
- God-Man: 385.
- head of the Church: 280, 395, 482.
- is the great Priest: 439, 455.
- kingdom of __ : 296.
- we shall see Him in heaven: 476.
Jesus Divine Master: 60, 105, 106, 109, 111,117, 119, 127, 144, 179, 180, 195, 234, 242, 249, 275, 292, 327, 380, 385, 390, 475, 615.
- calls many, talks to the heart: 132, 382.
- heart of __ : 106, 122, 136.
- devotion to __ , intimacy with __ : 26, 127, 243, 245.
- figure of the __ : 184.
- humanity may welcome him and __ may dominate the world: 43, 354.
- imitation of __ : 107.
- Martha and Mary welcomed __ in Bethany: 610, 611, 612, 613.
- to serve __ with intelligence: 422
- word and preaching of __ : 329, 340, 543
Joy: 256, 496
- walk in __ : 528
- __ of heaven: 208, 256
Judge, judgment: 319.
- day of __ : 454.
- inconsiderate: 310.
- of God: 279, 474.
- supernatural manner: 317.
Justice: 489.
- __ of God: 8, 95, 224, 234, 238, 292, 489, 537
- __ of Jesus Christ: 225, 296, 565, 567
- of splendor, of the heavens: 466, 533, 540
- liturgical __ : 146
- of God: 259
Life: 50, 112, 122, 188, 190, 195, 214, 220, 241, 247, 255, 265, 277, 279, 281, 283, 299, 308, 317, 318, 324, 340, 388, 433.
- be a Glory to the Divine Master, to the Most Holy Trinity: 132, 495.
- eternal __ : 66, 109, 136, 255, 266, 316, 534, 558.
- eucharistic __ : 26, 122, 130.
- interior, spiritual __ : 8, 63, 126, 202, 258, 269, 270, 272, 273, 291, 309, 389, 563.
- Jesus, fruit of __ : 231.
- joyful, innocent, pious: 274, 335, 353.
- like Our Lady: 149, 173.
- liturgical: 122, 146.
- lymph that gives __ : 405.
- modeled on the Divine Master: 390, 520.
- Mother of spiritual __ : 138.
- of grace: 282.
- of the PD: 163, 173, 180, 183, 405.
- of Christ: 121, 176, 269, 274, 292, 327, 340, 390, 391, 412, 473, 482, 523.
- of union in Jesus: 26, 264, 331, 405, 542.
- religious: 20, 54, 57, 59, 64, 140, 191, 309, 311, 312, 313, 391, 405, 570, 577.
- to spread the __ of the Church: 477.
- the Cross is __ : 342.
- truth that gives __ : 153.
- union of the active and contemplative __ : 610, 616, 617, 623, 624.
- woman, minister of __ : 138.
Like Mary: 183.
- disciple and apostle: 177.
- Handmaid of the Lord: 76.
- heart of the Church: 175.
- to desire and pray for priests __ : 174, 175.
- united to Jesus __ : 11.
- at the service of the liturgy: 152.
Liturgy: 353, 500, 507, 550.
- ancient: 230.
- arts serve the __ : 152.
- book of the Holy Spirit: 469.
- __ of the Holy Week: 204.
- perfect heavenly __ : 148.
- printing and diffusion of the books on __: 476.
- sacred __ : 144, 146, 474, 475, 488.
- the earthly __ creates the taste for the things of heaven, gives means of sanctification: 476, 482, 483, 484, 489, 490, 491, 492.
Liturgical: 144.
- __ apostolate: 146, 151, 424, 468, 480, 505, 553.
- __ study and knowledge: 146, 152, 505.
- __ person, __ piety: 149, 152, 489.
- __ year: 473.
- __ worship and rules: 122, 147.
- of faith: 189, 192, 195.
- in Mary: 232.
- the greatness of your vocation: 181.
Lord: 229, 233, 234, 237, 246, 247, 248, 249, 258, 260, 261, 264, 275, 282, 288, 291, 319, 322, 330, 350, 379, 380, 381, 383, 386, 389, 405, 407, 415, 427, 436, 438, 568, 582, 584, 589, 594, 603.
- gives reward according to merit: 461.
- is most faithful and very good: 320, 437, 561, 587.
- to give to the __ the best persons: 445.
- to offer everything to the __, to thank Him: 243, 252, 333.
- the __ called you, be united to Him: 239, 285, 286.
Love, to love: 113, 123, 161, 190, 197, 205, 209, 214, 230, 242, 256, 276, 288, 294, 298, 312, 319, 321, 343, 345, 357, 461, 528, 576, 620.
- a call, vocation to the __ of Jesus: 241, 244.
- doctrine of the way of __ : 20.
- eternity is __ : 20.
- for Mary: 301.
- God with all the heart: 58, 234, 322.
- government of __ : 164.
- have much __ for each other (DSP): 47.
- Holy Thursday, celebration of __ : 222.
- Jesus in his passion: 171.
- Jesus in heaven: 110.
- in the Tabernacle: 133, 527.
- inventions of __ : 353.
- kingdom of __ : 223, 238.
- __ for his (P)Disciples: 525.
- __ me, make me love: 238.
- Magnificat of __ : 41.
- of Jesus: 193, 225, 228, 392.
- of God: 56, 185, 187, 195, 201, 383.
- of Mary Most Holy: 29.
- of St. Joseph to Jesus: 114.
- the apostolate: 64.
- the Divine Master: 354.
- the Lord and neighbor: 558, 559.
- the sinners: 323.
- to obey for __ : 169, 170.
- to live Jesus' __ : 229.
- to make progress in __ : 239.
- Dominim: 38, 39, 41,69, 110, 128, 149.
- Mariam: 128.
- sung in heaven: 397.
Man, men: 263, 328, 411, 442.
- a billion of __ do not know Baptism: 567.
- attracted to salvation by perfect chastity: 619.
- created to praise God: 386.
- fishers of __ : 543.
- have committed many sins: 386.
- Heart that has greatly loved __ : 238.
- Jesus became __ to save all: 342, 533.
- peace to __ :271, 290, 399.
Manger: 6, 114, 523.
Mary Magdalene: 242, 324.
- and Martha: 275.
- has chosen the better part: 615.
- welcomed Jesus: 613.
Mary Most Holy: 3, 10, 22, 39, 94, 97, 145, 149, 153, 171, 174, 177, 202, 225, 232, 235, 292, 293, 297, 301, 316, 330, 409, 450, 458, 459, 460, 461, 466, 576, 608
- apostle in prayer, disciple in listening: 327, 329.
- first PD and model of the PD: 110, 183, 251.
- handmaid of the Lord: 78.
- helps, guides the vocations: 415.
- in adoration, in union with __ : 86, 99, 116.
- intentions, aims of __ : 121, 232, 332, 573.
- invoked the Redeemer, bear Jesus: 33, 38, 69, 84, 97, 174.
- Mother of Jesus, of the Church: 3, 83, 127, 216, 412, 413, 417.
- Mother of spiritual life: 138.
- obeyed and was clothed by Jesus in glory: 265, 609.
- prepared and offered the Host, her Son: 91, 93, 415.
- surpassed the apostles in holiness: 510.
- Teacher of the Apostles and of truth: 84, 94.
- was always with Jesus, following and serving him: 86, 87, 89, 97, 108, 176, 245, 329, 442, 455, 461.
- and Mary: 275.
- reproached by Jesus: 276.
- busy of many things: 615.
- welcomed Jesus: 612..
Martyr, martyrdom:
- Christ's life is a __ : 340.
- Jesus in the body, Mary in the soul : 333.
- the multitude in heaven: 148, 476.
Mass /es: 3, 7, 18, 26, 74, 92, 260, 319, 320.
- center of the sacraments, queen of devotions: 162, 484.
- fruits, grace of the __ : 172, 384, 400.
- is the greatest prayer: 399.
-makes Jesus present, is offered for 4 purposes: 162, 395, 396.
- the benefits are granted to all: 401.
- to lead souls to the __, to make reparation for the blasphemies with the __ : 23, 350.
- to live the __ : 335.
- to participate well in the Mass with much faith: 7, 147, 162, 173, 273, 394, 398, 402, 403, 408, 409, 415, 467, 478, 487, 541, 550, 553.
Master /s: 72, 78, 300, 401.
Meditation: 219, 273, 357, 363, 486, 569.
- of Jesus: 318, 523.
Member: 179.
- of Christ, with Baptism: 562.
- active and working __ in the Church: 128, 281, 395.
Mercy: 255, 319, 321, 395, 430, 567, 601.
Merit /s: 102, 103, 169, 172, 198, 330, 344, 404, 445, 534, 535, 536, 539541, 570.
- of Jesus: 459, 562.
- of Mary Most Holy: 94.
- of the priest: 460.
- of the active and contemplative life: 616, 484.
- reward in conformity to the __ : 556.
- to decorate the house with __ : 71, 161.
Messiah: 174, 296.
Method, Way, Truth and Life: 388.
Mind: 429.
- Jesus, holy in __ : 390.
- interior life enlightens the __ : 277.
- put the __ in the Lit. apostolate: 554.
- think often of God: 56.
Ministry: 120, 220, 328, 462.
- Jesus' public __ : 121, 176, 461.
- of prayer: 115.
- of the priest: 460, 502.
- of the Word of God: 460.
- your collaboration with the Church, with the priests: 137, 177, 481.
Missal: 475, 478.
Mission: 101, 144, 155, 419.
- faithfulness to the __ : 258.
- of Jesus: 458.
- of the Apostles: 297.
- of the Most Holy Virgin: 332, 410, 415, 441, 502.
- your special, sublime __ : 98, 156, 332, 410, 464.
Missionary /ies: 72, 90, 104, 270, 406.
Mortification: 49, 316, 342, 343, 418, 431, 596.
Most Blessed Sacrament: 75, 133, 202, 219, 229, 384, 388.
Most Holy Trinity: 28, 37, 40, 106, 111, 143, 395, 401, 488.
- communion with the __, eyes fixed on __: 38, 189.
- in heaven, in his glory: 148, 476.
- our life be a glory to the __ : 41.
Most Holy Virgin Mary: 27, 29, 69, 76, 124, 145, 172, 176, 221, 230, 247, 265, 278, 282, 296, 359, 412, 616.
- example and imitation of the __ : 43, 225.
- prayer and spirit of the __ : 11, 173, 179, 295.
- vocation and mission of the __ : 81, 86, 244, 245, 332.
- we will see Her in paradise: 476.
Mother (see also Our Lady, Most Holy Virgin Mary):
- administers the treasures of redemption: 83.
- collaborates in Jesus' ministry: 176.
- of God, of Jesus: 3, 6, 84, 127, 142, 145, 165, 173, 216, 292, 333, 344, 412, 413, 417, 454.
- of the Church: 177.
- of the Divine Grace: 135.
- our __ : 50, 93.
Mystery /ies: 350, 475, 501, 527.
- eucharistic __, Verbi mysterium: 105, 117, 127, 230.
- of religion: 153.
- of the Assumption: 609.
- of the Rosary: 364, 378.
Mystical Body: 99, 106, 127, 280, 281, 393, 482.
Music: 152, 158.
Name: 407.
- of God: 8, 224, 292.
- of Jesus: 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 292.
- of Mary: 293, 334.
Nazareth: 3, 108, 121, 175, 327, 412, 458, 523, 576.
Novitiate: 55, 59, 192, 303, 508.
Obedience: 42, 169, 170, 337.
- counsel: 77.
- of Jesus: 265, 524.
- to who governs, __ to God: 588.
Observance: 258, 312, 317.
Offering: 330, 331, 333.
- in the Adoration: 388.
- of Jesus: 3, 86, 88, 385.
- of life for the PD Congregation: 50.
- of Mary: 93.
Our Lady (see also Mary, Mother of God): 6, 294, 323, 397, 417, 446, 610.
- adorer, mediatrix, Mother of the divine grace: 114, 135, 439.
- authority on Jesus, defended and served Him: 88, 157, 165, 442.
- in the spirit and way of __ : 183, 248.
- mission, duty, desires of __ : 44, 81, 227, 334, 411.
- to represent Her well: 552.
- to reach them with the liturgical apostolate: 550.
- to let grace flows to the __ : 279.
Painting: 152, 155, 480.
Palestine: 543, 580.
Paradise: 1, 18, 25, 101, 102, 105, 106, 109, 115, 170, 205, 206, 208, 248, 249, 256, 296, 320, 344, 387, 415, 430, 439, 465, 476, 534, 537, 559, 561.
- we will praise God: 386.
- apostolate is not changed: 104.
- no stains of sin: 42, 227, 596.
- peace of __ : 197.
- reward, perfect union, beatific vision: 113, 199, 475, 488, 532, 533, 535.
Pardon: 242, 275, 302, 344, 381, 399, 430, 437, 508, 613.
- grateful of the __ : 322.
- to ask for __ : 131, 247, 319, 390, 401, 408, 620.
- total __, without purgatory: 249.
- chalice of the __ : 401.
- faith in the __ : 541.
- Jesus' humility in the __ and in the Eucharist: 523.
- of Jesus: 121, 162, 171, 344, 451, 473.
- sin renews Jesus' __: 260.
- the Pious Disciple prays for the __ : 404.
- first condition of charity: 529.
- Jesus' __ in the Tabernacle: 529.
- more __ every day: 273.
Peace: 176, 528.
- among men, in the families: 271, 290, 399.
- of paradise: 197.
- of the souls: 7.
- thoughts of __ : 25.
Penance: 48, 226, 398, 399, 561.
- for the sinners: 323, 324.
- Jesus' __ in the desert: 274.
- spirit of __ : 394.
- virtue and sacrament: 596, 597.
Pentecost: 474.
Perfection: 298, 301, 336.
- on the Eucharist, Priesthood, Liturgy: 506.
- nothing is disposed without __ : 315.
Perseverance: 266.
Piety: 51, 180, 511.
- eucharistic, liturgical: 49, 149, 314, 355.
- fidelity to the practices of __ : 64, 394.
- in the apostolate: 151, 509.
- solid, true: 147, 301.
Pious Disciple /s: 72, 99, 112, 124, 147, 173, 177, 180, 279, 336, 346, 351, 353, 355, 357, 385, 395, 398, 400, 401, 408, 414, 417, 439, 451, 455, 456, 460, 461, 463, 521, 531.
- called to a greater silence: 175, 522, 530.
- docile to the Church in the L.Ap. : 545.
- eucharistic souls, pray-ers, apostles: 177, 355, 396.
- God's designs on the __ : 98.
- in paradise: 105.
- offer suffrages for deceased priests: 467.
- pray for vocations: 179, 399, 402, 415.
- spirit, life of the __ : 163, 183, 300.
- to obtain for the Pauline Family good spirit: 405.
- you will increase in number, following well the will of God: 111, 457.
Pious Society of St. Paul: 404.
Pious women: 176, 314, 329, 416, 466.
Pontifical: 475.
Pope /s: 86, 272, 415, 476.
- authority of the PP, represents God: 42, 166.
- desires of the __ : 90.
- pray for the Church in paradise: 104.
- pray for the __, be united to the __ : 43, 49, 386.
Postulancy: 55, 59.
- counsel and vow: 77, 263.
- lovers, observers of __ : 315, 337, 570, 582, 584.
- of Jesus: 157, 526.
- of Mary Most Holy: 176.
- you dress up poorly: 526.
Praise, to praise: 110.
- in the Adoration: 388.
- Jesus: 194.
- with devotion, get nearer to God: 553.
Pray, prayer: 9, 45, 63, 64, 71, 104, 105, 113, 147, 179, 228, 236, 237, 250, 259, 270, 273, 291, 304, 322, 324, 325, 327, 330, 331, 333, 350, 355, 379, 398, 405, 430, 462, 473, 483, 486, 537, 553, 576, 577, 585, 604.
- apostolate, ministry of __ : 8, 47, 79, 115, 175, 405.
- eucharistic-liturgical: 43.
- for the Pope, Church, priests, religious: 49, 75, 77, 179, 406, 417, 439, 452, 561.
- for salvation: 43.
- for the Superiors: 164, 168.
- for all vocations: 179, 414, 543, 593, 594.
- of Jesus: 269, 274, 326.
- of Mary: 76, 84, 116, 176, 179, 225, 329, 366.
- of PM for the PD: 50.
- of rite, private, organized: 141, 326-
- of the House: 357, 478.
- work of piety: 352.
Pray-er /s:
- Christ, __ per excellence: 385.
- Mary __ : 93.
- Pious Disciples, voice of all: 396.
- souls who are __ : 623.
Preaching, preacher: 250, 270, 303, 329, 392, 406, 510.
- be recollected after the __ : 513.
- of the Apostles: 543.
- of the Divine Master: 344, 456, 543.
- of St. Paul: 340.
- religious habit is a good __ : 316.
- that __ may increase: 72, 78.
- that eucharistic __ may increase: 352.
Precepts of the Church: 259.
- greatest wealth of the world: 415.
- of God: 147, 201.
- real and spiritual __ of Jesus: 28, 111, 231, 475.
- trust in the __ : 541.
Press, radio, cinema:
- apostolate of the __ : 105, 151.
- to make reparation for sins, evils in __ may be averted: 118, 399.
Priest /s: 90, 113, 176, 212, 350, 358, 401, 484.
- administers the Sacraments: 79, 443, 461, 524.
- baptized you: 564.
- everything came to the __ through Mary: 411.
- formation of __ : 10.
- friends of Jesus, directors of souls, represent God: 166, 214, 383.
- is perpetuated through Mary: 416.
- Jesus, Eternal High __ : 86, 148, 162, 380, 385, 439, 455.
- may grow in holiness and number: 72, 74, 75, 96, 120, 335, 402.
- may have eternal rest, the PD remembers them: 122, 405.
- Mary, Mother of the first __ : 412, 417, 439.
- relationship between the __ and the PD: 4, 68, 72, 142, 441, 444, 447.
- to pray that __ be holy: 43, 75, 77, 78, 105, 111, 174, 179, 279, 326, 406, 417, 452.
Priesthood: 244, 353, 356, 386, 406, 412, 433, 445, 449, 450, 451, 454, 460, 462, 463, 500, 502, 510, 559.
- cooperation with the __ : 43, 87, 177.
- institution of the __: 202.
- spiritual mothers of the __ : 72, 417.
Primo Maestro:
- relationship with __ : 5.
- to ask for the graces in PM's mind: 25.
Progress: 336, 480, 481.
- in holiness and love of God: 239, 251.
- in one's duty: 433.
- in spirit and religious life: 132, 569.
- in the apostolate: 180, 434.
- in the Institute: 239.
Providence: 15, 190, 453, 542, 584, 586.
Prudence: 444.
Punctuality: 315.
Purgatory, purification: 102, 197, 205, 226, 227, 249, 319, 387, 399, 489, 491, 596.
Queen of the Apostles: 231, 412, 413, 445, 446.
Recollection, recollected: 29, 49, 63, 316.
- PD, recollected souls: 112, 137, 238, 239, 316, 401, 513.
- to promote __: 428, 621.
Redeemer: 84, 430.
Redemption: 74, 83, 96, 153, 203, 321, 412, 474, 586.
Religious: 49, 122, 169, 207, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 298, 332, 445.
- are the children nearest to God: 565.
- may grow in number and holiness: 43, 111, 120, 265, 298.
- why did you become a __? : 252.
Religious Profession: 55, 59, 127, 196, 266, 383, 508.
- for the reward: 534.
- to everything, to deny ourselves: 341, 401, 533.
- for bad examples, blasphemies, editions: 23, 118, 319.
- of Mary: 466.
- with acts of faith: 200.
Resolution/ s: 99, 390, 426, 431, 434, 496.
- individual, principal: 429, 432.
- is difficult to become holy when the __ is changed often: 621.
Repentance: 260, 437, 561.
- of Jesus: 451, 466.
- of the body: 253.
Reward: 15, 187, 454, 455, 532, 534.
- eternal: 170, 533, 535.
- for whoever works for vocations: 132.
- great __, according to merit: 556, 624.
Rite /s:
- much devotion, dignity of __ in the liturgy: 147, 476.
- ritual prayers: 141.
Ritual: 475, 478, 485.
- eucharistic apostolate, __ of Church's activity: 409.
- Our Lady, __ of the Church: 405.
- __ of the Pauline F. be holy: 405.
Rosary: 357, 358, 391, 486.
- for deceased priests: 467.
- fruit, intentions, words of the __ : 360, 361, 362.
- mysteries of the __ : 364 - 378.
- of the PD: 363.
- transformed in eucharistic apostolate: 379.
- liturgical __ : 147, 550.
- of the Church: 510.
Rulers: 118, 401.
Sacrament / s: 18, 477, 478, 483, 484, 510, 557.
Sacramental /s: 477, 483, 485, 557.
Sacred Heart of Jesus: 238.
Sacred Host: 110, 331, 355, 402, 495.
- fruits of the __ : 408.
- Mary prepared, offered the __ : 91, 415.
- means victim: 341.
- of Calvary: 162.
- to unite oneself to the __ : 336.
Sacred Scripture (see also Bible):
- book of the Son: 469.
- read during the Visit: 389.
- study of the __ : 505.
Sacrifice / s: 57, 78, 92, 312, 340, 356, 402, 452.
- of the Cross, eucharistic __ : 86, 130, 162, 341, 356, 415, 439, 460.
- of religious life and of the PD : 324, 405.
- with __ and prayer, obtain grace, support the DSP: 47, 49.
Saints: 12, 18, 144, 226, 233, 237, 249, 293, 294, 298, 318, 396, 397, 399, 401, 510.
- date of birth of the __ : 230.
- humility and confidence of the __ : 229.
- __ save the world: 284.
- that priests and religious be holy: 43, 49, 285, 406.
St. Aloysius Gonzaga: 104.
St. Benedict: 138, 139, 141.
St. Bernard: 206, 252.
St. Catherine: 530, 538.
St. Cottolengo: 125.
St. Efrem: 443.
St. Francis of Assisi: 443.
St. Francis de Sales: 7, 294.
St. Francis Xavier: 9, 256.
St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows: 171.
St. Gemma Galgani: 21.
St. Gregory: 57, 141.
St. Ignatius di Loyola: 292.
St. James: 598.
St. John the Baptist: 284.
St. John Berchmans: 65.
St. John of the Cross: 21, 540.
St. John the Evangelist: 527.
St. Joseph: 114, 165, 265, 293, 573.
St. Julian Eymard: 354, 522.
St. Mary Margaret Alacoque: 106, 130.
St. Nicholas of Flüe: 443.
St. Paul (Apostle): 4, 111, 113, 205, 217, 261, 265, 298, 318, 336, 340, 342, 382, 529, 532, 535.
- carried off in paradise: 256.
- first mystic: 392.
St. Paul (internal bulletin): 68.
St. Peter: 136, 322, 324, 437, 510.
St. Scholastica: 98, 138, 139, 140, 141, 144.
St. Teresa of Avila: 21, 443, 538.
St. Therese of the Child Jesus: 9, 21, 104, 291, 296.
Salvation: 43, 48, 86, 164, 167, 257, 277, 345, 395, 438, 441, 445.
- faithfulness, observance are signs of __ : 258, 262, 266.
- of souls, of humanity, of sinners: 109. 145, 203, 289, 290, 297, 298, 325, 338, 342, 549.
- __ is in the Name of Jesus: 18.
- __ comes from the Woman: 76, 412.
Samaritan: 387.
Sanctify, sanctification: 15, 164, 179, 187, 267, 279, 296, 342, 379.
- faith as root of __ : 201.
- first apostolate: 8, 272.
- __ the family, Sunday: 278, 298.
- __ the house with virtues: 71.
- __ your Name: 8, 292.
- the Lord brings about your __ : 98, 199.
Satisfy, satisfaction: 116, 197, 205, 342, 388, 395.
Savior: 473.
Scandal: 305, 306, 308, 311, 313, 527.
- to pray for the __ : 279, 326.
Scruples: 247, 261, 339, 535.
Sculpture: 152, 155, 480.
Self-giving, self-offering: 62.
- of a Bride: 385.
- to God - generous, complete, continuous: 55, 56, 58, 59, 623.
Server/s, servant/s: 299, 405, 543.
- arts at the __ of God's glory: 152.
- Christ Priest, in the priests: 354, 422, 424, 429, 453, 455, 624.
- of Martha: 275.
- of Mary to Jesus and the Apostles: 329, 445.
- to govern is __ : 167.
- to serve God is not humiliating: 58, 168, 263, 546.
Signor Maestro (Giaccardo): 67, 182.
Silence: 24, 48, 219, 241, 401, 576.
- God speaks in __ : 513.
- of Jesus: 269, 522, 526, 530, 531.
- to decorate the house with __ : 71.
- means of sanctification: 531.
- much __, sacrifice of __ : 49, 51, 112, 175, 300, 530.
Simplicity: 154.
Sin /s: 31, 102, 242, 243, 246, 253, 259, 260, 261, 264, 275, 286, 303, 308, 314, 319, 322, 386, 399, 523, 529, 559, 564, 599, 613.
- ab omni __ libera nos, Domine : 399.
- chains of __ shattered by Baptism: 560.
- of Adam: 153, 339.
- sorrow, reparation for __ : 118, 243, 248, 342, 459.
- the Most Holy Virgin is free from original __: 247.
- the PD is laden with her __ and those of humanity: 401.
- the world is immersed in __ : 323, 398.
- to avoid, to hate __ : 233, 260, 285, 313, 320, 353.
Sing: 232.
- a beautiful Magnificat: 128.
- the eternal Magnificat: 149.
- the eternal Sanctus: 476.
- to Jesus in heaven: 110.
Sinner /s: 291, 294, 298, 320, 321, 324.
- believe to be __ and in need of grace: 229, 431.
- love the __ to save them : 203, 323.
- Jesus came to save the __ : 344, 564.
- __ gain from the Mass: 401.
Sister /s: 515, 538.
Son of God: 290, 451, 473, 571, 573, 574.
- became man, for sinners: 318, 321.
- beloved: 345, 525.
- God spoke through the __ : 470.
- Sacred Scripture, book of the __ : 469.
- special relationship with his mother: 450.
- the religious studies __ : 265
Son of Mary: 297, 458.
Song /s: 573.
- sacred __ in Nazareth: 576.
- __ is prayer: 249.
- to decorate the house with __ : 71, 570.
- well-prepared, well sung: 147, 158, 478.
Song of songs: 206, 294, 392.
Sorrow /s: 12, 194, 242, 343.
- act of __ : 115, 554.
- for sins: 248, 260, 273.
- greatest __, death: 339.
- of Mary Most Holy: 171, 465.
- profound __ in the examination of
conscience, during the Exercises: 304, 428.
- purify oneself with __ : 49, 394.
- we are afraid of the time of __ : 340.
Soul /s: 62, 63, 90, 100, 104, 113, 135, 147, 164, 185, 187, 193, 195, 197, 205, 206, 208, 209, 214, 218, 227, 228, 233, 236, 239, 243, 244, 246, 247, 253, 254, 257, 261, 272, 280, 288, 298, 320, 331, 335, 336, 338, 341, 342, 343, 344, 345, 354, 379, 381, 383, 389, 392, 394, 400, 401, 428, 437, 438, 443, 452, 498, 499, 511, 524, 535.
- all of Jesus, of God: 232, 285.
- apostolate for the good of __ : 267.
- at the disposition of God's will: 388.
- can crash against pride: 265.
- Church attracts __ who cannot read, with worship: 150, 153.
- dedicated to the glory of the Divine
Master: 132.
- detached: 219.
- devotee of Mary and the Rosary: 359.
- entrusted to one's own care: 166, 167, 314, 517.
- eucharistic: 123.
- few holy __ : 285.
- firm and stable in the vocation: 60.
- full of God, attracts grace: 278.
- God called you, works on your __ : 55, 243.
- God's temple: 596.
- God wants all to be saved: 43, 135, 289, 290, 293, 294, 298.
- I put your __ in the chalice (PM): 2.
- is adorned: 600.
- how many __ are without the benefit of redemption: 96.
- joyful: 30.
- liturgical: 489.
- many __ are lost due to bad example: 319.
- many __ called to eucharistic life: 542.
- may be led to the Eucharistic Master: 122, 133, 134, 135, 144, 350, 353.
- Mary's __ united to God: 176.
- of priests, religious: 122, 298.
- of true interior life: 277, 279.
- Our Lady may reign in __ : 446.
- peace of the __ : 7.
- recommendation of the __ :141.
- sin ruins __ : 260.
- small, humble, simple: 221, 382.
- __ of religious of little faith: 195.
- __ who pray, of contemplative life: 623.
- __ in purgatory: 113, 319, 396, 401.
- __ at the point of death: 61, 103.
- tastes God: 490.
- the Divine Master calls many __ : 132.
- taught by the Lord: 380.
- to bring __ to Jesus: 161.
- union between Jesus and the __ : 4, 264, 579.
- who nourish with the life of grace: 282.
- who possesses gift of the intellect: 488.
- who lives of, for God: 316.
Spirit: 309, 348, 455.
- of faith and union: 192, 195, 201, 239.
- of Mary Most Holy: 11, 173, 183, 334, 464.
- of prayer and liturgical piety: 149, 152, 482, 550, 623.
- of the Church: 122, 140, 146, 449, 482, 509.
- of the dying Jesus: 254, 265.
- of your vocation: 12, 178, 298, 300, 379, 503.
- religious __ : 132, 207, 583.
Spiritual direction: 383.
Spiritual program: 432.
Stability: 61, 64.
Study: 346, 349, 355.
- need to organize, to make progress: 422, 480.
- sacred scripture, morals, ascetics: 505.
- theological-liturgical: 152.
Suffering /s:
- apostolate of __ : 8, 176, 270, 330, 336, 338, 342, 343, 345, 540.
- of death: 254.
- of Jesus: 194, 340, 344, 398.
- of Mary: 176.
- of Virgins and Martyrs: 148.
- offered for deceased priests: 467.
Superior /s: 60, 62, 169, 259, 310, 499, 514, 515.
- represent God: 166, 168.
- should pray, be vigilant, provide: 168, 307, 428, 516.
- to appoint persons who are esteemed, more fitted: 168.
- the Lord guides the __ : 167.
Tabernacle: 28, 355, 363, 387, 409, 445, 451, 521, 525, 526, 527.
- eternal__ : 439.
- everything begins and ends in the __ : 379.
- Jesus is in the __ : 40, 231, 336, 415, 520.
- not to turn the back on the __ : 36.
- opens to communicate grace: 541.
- sentinels of the __ : 44, 49.
- to bring souls to the __ : 133, 353.
- to meditate the Rosary in the light of the __ : 363.
Teachers, teaching: 118.
- of the Church: 477.
- may they be holy: 406.
- Beautiful gate of the __ : 17.
- Jesus was presented, found in the __ : 165, 412, 458.
- soul as __ of God: 596.
- the child Mary in the __ : 76, 175, 327.
Teresa Soubiran (Blessed): 21.
Thanksgiving: 116, 117, 229, 243, 286, 299, 419, 493.
- for all the graces and when things go contrary… : 129, 130, 194.
- for creating me: 252.
- for the vocation: 618.
- in the Mass: 388, 395, 396, 397.
- good use of __ : 317.
Trust: 161, 184, 187, 195, 197, 198, 218, 244, 246, 247, 248, 249, 261, 286, 310, 319, 436, 438, 541, 561, 564.
Truth: 224, 471, 488.
- Christian, profound: 153, 154.
- consider in the Rosary, Adoration, Liturgy: 146, 357, 389.
- dogmatic __ on the Eucharist: 475.
- Jesus' school of __ : 119.
- to diffuse the __ : 109, 474.
Union, unity, united: 1, 4, 11, 24, 26, 44, 125, 127, 183, 191, 193, 209, 214, 220, 264, 285, 294, 331, 336, 345, 556, 562.
- of Jesus with the Father: 274.
- of Mary to Jesus, to God: 3, 176.
- spiritual __ among us: 2, 18, 449.
- to Mary: 86, 116, 183, 231, 232, 334.
- to the heavenly liturgy: 123, 148.
- to the intentions of PM: 183.
- to the Pope, to the Church: 386, 399.
- __ between active and contemplative life: 610.
- with God: 196, 197, 273, 357, 511, 581.
Venial, veniality: 243, 244, 304.
Vestment: 155, 402, 608.
Vigilance, vigilant: 322, 462.
Virgins: 384, 396.
- called by the Lord: 282.
- multitude of __ in heaven: 148, 476.
- wise and foolish __ : 533.
- generates priests for the Church: 417.
Virtue: 102, 146, 170, 201, 357, 471, 474, 520, 521, 570.
- of charity lasts forever: 205.
- of Eucharistic Jesus: 520, 522, 524.
- progress in, observance of __ : 12, 56.
- the house is sanctified with __ : 71.
- theological, cardinal __ : 391.
Visit: 18, 26, 90, 111, 113, 117, 219, 350, 384, 388, 391.
- Mary with Jesus: 333, 415.
- of Calvary, of the Altar: 162, 172, 333, 341, 385, 400.
- Pious Disciple in union with Jesus: 345, 401.
Vocation /s: 9, 63, 111, 123, 132, 180, 239, 249, 251, 258, 266, 298, 314, 343, 355, 402, 408, 413, 416, 456, 457, 462, 481, 494, 504, 543, 554, 592, 594, 620, 624.
- generous, faithful: 11, 60, 181, 257, 258.
- God's gift: 387.
- of Jesus: 458.
- of the children: 177.
- may Our Lady multiply __ : 446.
- spirit of your __ : 49, 110, 178, 243, 244, 245, 298, 300.
- to pray, work for __ : 68, 72, 132, 179, 181, 183, 228, 279, 414, 421, 445, 514, 542, 544.
Vows: 259, 263, 264, 266, 307, 391.
- baptismal __ : 567.
- Exercises on the __ : 337.
- profession, observance of __ : 56, 193, 258.
- renewal in the Visit: 117.
Water: 242, 337.
- of Baptism: 560.
- to become roots: 405.
Way: 234, 263, 303, 336, 391.
- marked out by the Lord: 258, 383.
- narrow but leads to heaven: 496.
- of God: 12, 20.
- of love, of perfection: 170, 300, 517, 534.
- of Our Lady: 249.
- of the Institute: 349.
Way, Truth, Life:
- Jesus Master: 127.
- Pauline method: 64.
Will, to will:
- charity of the will: 430.
- interior life strengthens the __ : 277.
- men of good __ : 290.
- of the Father; 8, 91, 145, 166, 167, 180, 188, 234, 235, 252, 254, 285, 292, 298, 312, 342, 350, 388, 424, 429, 457, 458, 503, 554.
- united to that of Jesus: 337.
Woman: 87, 242, 411, 412, 511.
- administrator of life, natural and
supernatural: 138.
- apostle of the Eucharist: 350.
- collaborates with the priesthood: 440.
- Mary, the great __ : 439.
Word: 315, 319, 328, 362.
- divine __ of Jesus: 278, 301, 329, 340, 470.
- scandal with the __: 308, 309.
- trust in the __ of the Lord: 438.
Work: 112, 250, 422, 428, 453.
- adoration as first and central __ : 126.
- for God's house: 151, 477.
- for vocations: 132, 181, 421.
- God worked on your soul: 243.
- offered to the Lord with sacrifices: 49, 330.
- sustained by interior life: 272, 277.
- __ of purification of soul: 273, 489.
World: 253, 335, 354, 387.
- much of the divine word is spread in the __ : 278.
- that Truth spreads in the __ : 389.
- to pray for the conversion of the __ , immersed in sin: 323, 328.
- salvation of the world: 290, 325, 412.
Worship: 151, 156.
- attracts souls: 150.
- eucharistic, liturgical __ : 122, 354.
- to illustrate __ : 554.
Write, publish, diffuse: 350.
Year: 541.
- intense spiritual __ : 555.
- liturgical __ : 473.
Yes: 62.
- of the Virgin: 69, 622.
- to God's call: 55, 58.
Zeal, zealous: 112, 349, 554.