Blessed James Alberione

Opera Omnia


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I. Although it should be obvious, after a reading of the Foreword, we repeat that what is reproduced here is the authentic and integral text of Fr Alberione's Instructions contained in the four volumes of Ut perfectus sit Homo Dei (Rome-Ostia, 1960-1962).
This present, single volume edition allows for a unitary and continuous reading of what was, in the original edition, interspersed with talks by other speakers. It allows for an easy comparison with the original edition, thanks to the marginal enumeration, in bold type, which refers to the page and volume of the original.
The whole text has been faithfully reproduced, including the articles of the now outdated Constitutions, and the Author's usual style, except for some punctuation here and there, required by correct syntax.

II. The editors are responsible for the following additions:
- Where previously there were asterisks to divide the material, titles and subtitles now indicate the argument and topics concerned. Original subtitles are here reproduced in italic.
- The explanatory or integrating notes, at the bottom of the page, to improve understanding of the text.
- The translation, in the notes, of the Latin quotations. Scripture texts, often quoted without references or indicated with Roman numbers, have been brought into line with current criteria.
- The Contents and the Indices which facilitate thematic consultation or an overall view of the text.

III. To make reference quotations uniform, from any edition and in any language, it has been decided to use the marginal numbers which refer back to the page and volume of the original [1960-1962] Italian edition. All references to the pages of this edition are to be avoided when quoting the text. This holds especially true for the Indices.

IV. What still remains to be undertaken is a study of the sources from which the Author draws and quotes without any reference. This task will be undertaken in the critical edition of the Opera Omnia Multimediale Don Giacomo Alberione, which is being prepared.