VIIFOREWORD1To procure holy Priests for our populations is a work truly worthy of a Seminary Superior (the author is a Seminary Spiritual Director); to especially insist on the practical means
of zealously and fruitfully exercising the pastoral ministry is a work that is doubly commendable and very necessary to these days. Let the Appunti di teologia pastorale
by Theol. Alberione be blessed. In it shine together solid doctrine
and practical sense, because of which the exercise of true pastoral ministry comes easy.
Let the young ones as well as the older ones willingly read the pages drawn from a living love of virtue, added to the study of the norms most suitable to our times in view of making Christian life re-flourish.
And above all may the Lord, with the most abundant effusion of his most chosen grace, grant that his Ministers on earth, winning over themselves and suffocating every voice of indolence and of self-love, conform themselves to these lessons, proposed to them by Divine Providence itself.
Turin, 2 February 1913. A. Card. RICHELMY
Archbishop of Turin