Blessed James Alberione

Opera Omnia


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1. The text with which work was done and is now being proposed is the second edition (1915). The notes at the foot of the page are the work of the curators of the present edition.

2. The square parentheses indicate that the curator inserted into the text some words or quotes that remained suspended.

3. In the Italian version, some grammatical forms not common to current usage have been kept in order to respect the Author's style.

4. The indexes refer to:
- the quotes from the Bible according to the numbering of the Vulgate Bible;
- the documents of the Church;
- the authors of works, mentioned in the text of whose citing has been completed;
- the associations and magazines;
- the proper names that refer to persons and to places;
- topics discussed; (analytical index);
- a bibliographical list, regarding the consulted documentation.

5. The marginal numbering refers to the pages of the typical edition (II edition, of 1915) of the Alberione text. All the quotes and the indexes at the book of the book refer to such numbering.