Collection of meditations and teachings
1946-1947By Maria Lucia Ricci, pddm
with the collaboration of Clelia Arlati, pddm
Fr. Joseph Barbero, ssp, for the notes
Initials of the work: APD
I am glad to give the requested
IMPRIMATUR for the whole
series of transcripts, composed
of 1
4 volumes of the preachings
of Fr. James Alberione To the
Pious Disciples of the Divine Master.
Albano Laziale, 21 June 1986
+ Dante Bernini, Bishop
General House, Pious Disciples of the Divine Master
Via Gabriele Rossetti, 17 - 00152 Rome (Italy)
In 1908, I began to pray and to have prayers said
that a religious Family might come into being,
a family marked by a hidden life,
dedicated to Adoration
and to the sacerdotal and liturgical apostolate;
a family which would completely belong
to Jesus the Divine Master
present in the Eucharistic Mystery.
Why? So that it might become a source of grace
from which other religious families,
those more especially dedicated to apostolic life
could draw.
You have a fundamental and vital mission,
hidden like the roots, but nourishing the trunk,
branches, flowers, leaves, fruits.
Jesus Priest and Mary his Mother,
are always united in the economy of redemption;
therefore, they always remain united
in the economy of grace.
APD (1946), 21; 24-25.
I do not exactly know up to what point
God will lead your souls, but I know that
your vocation is a vocation of intimacy,
of special perfection. Vocation of love,
similar to that of the Most Blessed Virgin.
Will you give to Jesus that which he
expects from you? To the Church all that
you should? To the Priest all the charity
that is expected?
You are invited to follow Mary,
to walk on the most intimate way of
communication with the Divine Master.
APD (1947), 244, 245