Blessed James Alberione

Opera Omnia


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- for Catholic cinema: 469ff
v. Time
- to readers: 153-158
- oneness of purpose requires oneness of means: 153
- twofold, of Society St Paul: 56
- Migne in 387 big tomes: 137
- necessity for the press: 275ff
- particular and general norms: 279-283
v. Religious, Priest
- any subject: 200
- beginners, proficient and perfect: 153
- Bible: 160
- catechetics: 248; work accomplished by the Popes: 261ff
- charity: 340
- children: 315; 337
- clarify, apply and defend: 27
- combatant: 288-289
- daily newspaper: 284
- dependence on the Church: 54
- dignity: 405
- directives of the Church: 24
- dispenser of the Church's treasures: 385; of the mysteries of God: 181; only a distributor?: 390
- doctrine of the Church: 25
- educate taste: 381
- efficacy: 70
- faithful to the Church: 256
- Father: 382f
- forgets self: 388
- formation: 64ff; 68; of the mind: 65; and morals: 143; 220
- fruitful: 87
- geography: 345f
- give freely: 383
- God and souls: 32
- God's book is for all: 26
- good press: 308
- help people readjust and safeguard them: 219
- is to spread, uphold: 201
- journalist: 294ff
- like Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life: 46; like the Good Shepherd: 384; like Paul: 37f
- literature: 320ss
- liturgical life: 233
- magazines and periodicals: 295
- make money?: 295
- Mass: 72
- opponents, uneducated, indif-ferent: 214
- outcasts, adversaries, impover-ished, heathens: 384
- parish gazette: 306
- people: 212; ordinary folk, the masses: 275
- perfects the whole person: 222
- practical norms: 198
- preparation: 66
- promotion: 392f
- publications: 378
- publishing minister: 47ff
- purpose: 382
- raise minds to the Creator: 343f
- readers: 153
- reading: 310; 423
- recensions: 360ff
- rouse, support and train vocations: 333
- saints: 267ff; Holy Fathers: 239; 244
- semper orare: 69
- serpent and dove: 365
- social teaching: 366
- souls: 214; 401; individual: 387
- taste and value: 359
- the true, the good and the beautiful: 159f
- theology: 213
- Tradition: 27
- upkeep: 384
- useful: 245
- veneration of Scripture: 121
- voice of the Church: 36
- watchful: 400
- word: 277-278
- writings: 142; writer: 151; writes, prints, distributes: 5
- zeal: 335
- aim, goal: 278; 484
- altar and tabernacle: 429
- breadth, influence, grace, continuity: 54
- Catechism and Creed: 19
- Christian morals, precepts of the Church: 20; 140
- Church and Jesus Christ: 71
- cinema: 444; 460; 454ff; 459-466; 467ff; 473f
- concerned with everything: 34
- cooperation: 62
- deal with leaders: 339
- deposit of Revelation: 23
- distribution: 386
- doctrine of the Church, Scripture, Tradition: 24; 140
- editorial, technical and promotional role: 61; editorial, technical process and promotion: 438ff; 444ff
- exercise: 64; 438ff
- feel with Jesus Christ: 33; the Church: 35ff; Paul: 36
- formation and practice: 436ff
- ideal: 17
- Jesus Christ: 388
- lay people: 63
- method: 38f
- mission and program: 5
- nature: 14
- needs of the times: 53
- negative, positive, universal: 444-445
- object: 18-19
- of the word: 66
- pictures: 374
- prayer: 61; 137
- press, cinema and radio: 5-6; 11; 16
- press: 7; 133ff
- radio: 476ff
- sacrifice: 61
- spiritual battle: 67
- spiritual nature, not industry and business: 439
- style and print layout: 377; (the beautiful): 141; (pastoral): 28-32
- suffering: 337
- support of and dependence on Church: 352
- today: 5
- treasure to seek: 17
- universality: 33
- upright intention: 394
- works: 484
- worship and sacraments: 21-22
- written preaching of the divine truths: 48
- zeal and sacrifice: 54
- art for art's sake?: 376
- beautiful in appearance: 141
- literary style and print layout: 377
- 214ff
- a work of enlightenment and of encouragement: 216
- defense: 214ff
- guide: 219ff
- for the sins of the press: 449ff
- for the missions: 334
- Anthony, Augustine, Francis, Ignatius... changed life: 164
- apostle steeped in scripture: 167
- biblical publications: 178
- Church and the Scriptures: 122
- consoles in times of sorrow: 171
- efficacy: 165
- essential for the press apostle: 168ff
- God and the Bible: 171
- God, principal author: 169
- God's book: 169; the most important for humanity: 171
- history and needs of people: 173f
- in all needs: 164
- letter written by God to human beings: 178
- liturgical order in reading: 186
- mountain of gold: 168
- press: 13; 121; 168ff; press, biblical initiative: 178; biblical publications: 182; formation: 183ff; guidance: 180ff
- profound influence: 170
- promote the Scripture: 178
- reason and Scripture: 125
- sacrament of the Word of God: 170
- Scripture explains Scripture: 123; 181
- second in the order of publishing: 26f
- solid literary basis for scholars: 171
- spiritual reading: 163-164
- synopsis, Synoptics: 182
- those who nourish themselves on the Bible will be filled with the Holy Spirit: 170
- Tradition and Scripture: 124
- translated in almost all languages: 171
- veneration: 128ff; of Scripture: 121ff; of the mind, the will and the heart: 126ff
- publications: 265ff
- 403ff
- Christian Doctrine Sodality: 254
- Day of Christian Doctrine: 256
- for adults: 255
- formation: 250
- instruction: 248
- make it known: 386
- organization: 254f
- parish catechism schools: 255
- work: 246ff
- distribution: 403ff
- in omnibus caritas: 37
v. Pope
- altrice: 193
- Church history: 187ff; similar to history of earthly life of Jesus: 191
- depository of a treasure: 386
- doctrine: 25
- feel with the Church: 35f
- guardian and teacher of truth: 194
- instituted by Christ, her head and leader: 188; 190
- militant and triumphant: 196
- oral and imprinted preaching: 13
- press: 134f
- society instituted for the salvation of all: 35
- teacher and model of every apostolate: 6
- way of salvation: 191
- way, truth and life for humanity: 189
- work of Teacher "Life": 195
- activities for cinema: 469ff; pressure on producers and civil author-ity: 459
- apostolate: 454ff
- Christianize the cinema: 459ff
- creating a Catholic cinema: 467ff
- efficacy: 456; 468; pressure on viewers: 461ff; on parents and teachers: 460f
- make use of: 472
- Pius XI: 454f
- prayer: 467f
v. Times
v. Cooperator
- 63; press and cinema: 474ff
- Jesus unites himself with us to change us into himself: 79-86
v. Pious Society of Saint Paul
- of the Holy Office [=Doctrine of the Faith]: 440
- Christian apostle: 399f
- formation: complete, intellectual, moral and technical: 399ff
- lay: 58ff
- missions: 334
- negative cooperation: 58-59; positive, indirect, direct: 60f
- powerful and necessary collaboration: 57
- press: 306
- Gospel counsels object of press publications: 21
- object of publications: 19
- victory over heresy and opponents: 194
v. Periodical, Magazine, Press
- a necessity for everyone: 285
- Catholic -: no news, outdated, lacks technical presentation, no foreign correspondents: 288
- Catholic, subject to criticism: 288
- conveyor of ideas, cause of action: 285
- is to concern the apostle writer: 284
- mission of Catholic -: 286ff
- motto way, truth and life: 288
- reaches everywhere: 285
- topics of the press: 285
- value of: 285ff
- of praise (10 May 1941): 16
v. Master, Mary, Paul
- to Guardian Angels, to the Souls in Purgatory: 71
- to Mary: 204
- to St Joseph, protector of the Church universal: 71
- to the Divine Master Way, Truth and Life: 71
- to the Holy Apostles, Peter and Paul: 71
- to the Queen of Apostles: 71
- to the Saints: 272ff
- 66; Apostles: 189
- diligent: 434
- heavenly wisdom: 184
- Jesus sole Teacher: 94; 232; 433: 434
- of Emmaus: 172
- Paul: 379
- Satan: 432
- Timothy: 70
v. Promotion
v. Promotion
- parish gazette: 306
- publications' apostolate: 25f
v. Apostolate, Writer
- 139ff
- adaptation to readers: 153ff
- beautiful in appearance: 141
- cooperation in editorial role: 59
- exercise of the apostolate: 438f
- good in morals: 140f
- preparation of writings: 139
- procure talented writers: 378
- the true in doctrine: 140
- if apostle recollects himself: 70
- if truths, the riches of the Faith, remain buried: 387
- 49
- with publications: 13
- 144-151
- knowledge of God, of oneself, God and the soul: 101
- method and ways, general and particular: 101-112
- "I am the Truth" in publishing: 18
- Mary's: 201f
- Pauline Family and Cooperators: 57
- Holy - : 235-245
- recommend them: 236-239
- witnesses of Tradition: 239ff
v. Apostle, Master, Study
- Bible guidance publications: 183ff
- catechetical: 250ff
- mind: study of religion: 64-65
- of the heart to the true, the good and the beautiful: 68-71
- organization, distribution: 403ff
- religious-moral, intellectual and technical: 436ff
- study of the apostolate: 65; of religion: 65; of secular sciences: 64-71
- training promotes the apostolates: 156
- "way, truth, life" method: 71
- will: 66; for struggle, practice virtue: 66-68
- at the service of the individual: 342ff; of the apostle: 345f
- everything comes from God: 144ff; is governed by God: 147ff; returns to God: 150
- example for the apostle in the Scripture: 13
- model of the apostle writer: 159-167
- 428ff
- Day: 428ff
- devotion to the saints: 272ff
- imitation of the saints: 269f
- knowledge of the saints: 266
- publications: 265ff
- exercise: 106
- submission of to Scripture: 127f
- union with Christ Life: 85
- consequences for eternity: 196
- divine cause (way, truth and life) 187ff
- promotion: 423ff
- 222
- intelligence and a soul: 13
- of the apostolate: 12
- 439; 440
v. Apostolate, Means
- defense and conquest for the apostolate: 12
- cinema and radio: 11
v. Master
- feel with Christ in publishing apostolate: 33-34
- Way, Truth and Life, the apostle's method: 39
v. Daily Newspaper
- forms conscience of individuals and the masses: 287
- journalist is a combatant: 289
- norms: 294
- parish gazette, bulletin: 306
- Pius XII: journalism as a battle: 288
- responds to spiritual needs: 295
- sources: 326
- 481
v. Cooperator
v. Promotion
- writings of the apostle must be "Life": 164
- for children: 315ff
- Gospel method: 324
- kinds, figures, stories, parables: 322ff
- moral, intellectual and psychological preparation: 315
- preferred sources (Bible, Holy Fathers, History): 325
- wise action, preservation from harmful reading: 320ff
- historical-exegetical method: 226
- honors the Scriptures: 125
- know it: 223ss
- live it: 229ff
- love it: 228s
v. Periodical, Daily Newspaper, Recensions
- Bibliographical: 351ff
- Blessed Virgin Mary: 200ff
- devotions: 207
- faith: 201f
- how the apostle is to regard: 113
- imitation: 202f
- Mother of the Church, Queen of Apostles, Teacher: 118; Teacher and Queen: 113-120
- prayer and devotion: 204ff
- will preside over end of created world: 118-120; presided at creation: 113-116
- 72; Communion: 79ff
- first part, Truth: 72-74
- of publishing apostle: 72-78
- second part, Way: 74-77
- third part, Life: 77-78
- a son of Mary, like the Master: 120
- applies the teachings of the Master/Teacher: 62
- baptismal catechesis: 247
- colloquy with the Master: 94; 99
- continues the mission of the Teacher: 141
- dignity: 357
- editor of the periodical: 298
- evangelizes the poor: 154-155
- false teachers: 452s
- generous person: 484
- is to pray as in the Our Father: 78
- lay disciples as teachers: 433
- like the Master sacrifices himself: 437
- like the Master: 154-155; 378
- minister, goes to meet with Master: 94; 99
- Pope, teacher of truth: 258; 260; 263; 264
- promotion: 382
- publication: 66
- reading and spread of the Gospel: 434; study and distribution of the Gospel: 430
- renders homage of intelligence to Master: 82
- sharing in the life of the Teacher: 71
- simplicity: 161
- teaches revealed truths: 210; meditates on truths: 92
- to reproduce his examples: 97
- truth: 197
- visits Jesus Master: 94; 99
- writer, father, apostle: 378
- 190
- Divini illius magistri: 5
- Master continues in: 230
- mission of enlightenment: 194; 257
- work of Master "Life": 195
Jesus Master Way, Truth, Life
- call of the Apostles: 330
- command: 481
- example: 197; 307; 339
- feast of the Divine Master: 402; 429
- first catechist: 246
- first Sunday of the month: 452
- Gospel Day: 428; Day of the teaching of Jesus Christ, Master: 428
- heart for men and women: 33
- in the Eucharist: 57
- insistences, reminders, reproofs, assurances: 337
- knocks at soul's Castle: 91
- mission: 260
- perfect exemplar: 32; 172
- perspicacity and sense of propriety: 330
- Scriptures: 126
- sole Teacher: 432
- teachings through word and press: 429
- Truth, Way or Model, Life: 18; 71; 72; 73; 84; 86; 453
- truths reach people from the heart of - : 385
- words: 91; Hæc est vita æterna, ut cognoscant Te: 31; My yoke is easy and my burden light: 218; I am the Truth: 19; Every good tree gives good fruit: 286; Oportet semper orare et non deficere: 69; You call me Teacher and rightly so: 428
- works among people: 263
v. Apostolate, Method, Necessity, Time
- modern apostolate: 5-6
- telephone, radio, television: 380
- the best: 380; 484
- wider use needed of propagators of thought: 14
- 87ff; 90
- preparation, body, conclusion: 87ff
- Truth, Way, Life: 90-93
v. Meditation
- activity: 43f
- adaptation: 153-158
- essence: 38f
- Eucharistic Visit in three parts: 94-100
- examination of conscience: 101-112
- gospel, simple, suitable, intuitive, step by step, conversational: 324
- historical-exegetical: 226
- in publishing: 38ff; 90
- in study and in intellectual activity: 44
- meditation: 44f; 90-93
- mind, will, and heart: 39
- natural and supernatural bases: 39-42
- natural order of human nature: 40-41; supernatural: 42
- not be slave to - : 46
- object: 156
- practical: 156ff
- preaching: 44f
- principles, criteria and dispositions: 38f
- progressive cycle, intellectual, organizational, collaborative and life-giving activism: 250
- syllogism: 45
- Way, Truth and Life: 38; 39; 46; 71; 160-167
- examination of self as exercise of: 105f
- submission of the mind to Scripture: 126f
- union with Christ Truth: 80ff
v. Apostolate
- activity: 328ff
- beneficence: 334
- cooperation in view of: 333f
- goal is supernatural life: 336
- knowledge of: 329
- of human progress: 347
- pray for: 336
- works: 335
v. Necessity, Time
- apostolate: 11
- copied parchments: 379
- "I am the Way" and publishing: 20
- principles and the good: 140
- 214ff
v. Time
- circumstances: 402; 420
- initiatives: 156
- new works: 68; new and urgent apostolates: 6
- particular - of the different categories of readers: 154ff
- return to primitive tradition: 176
- times: 53ff; 292f; 420
- to respond: 293
- always write in a Christian way: 159
- deposit of direct and indirect revelation: 23
- doctrine of the Church, Scripture and Tradition: 24-27
- natural: 40ff
- supernatural: 42ff
v. Cooperator, Method, Means
- adversaries: 388
- apostolate initiatives: 398
- army: 389
- beneficence during pestilence and epidemics: 55
- book centers: 387
- catechism: 247f; 251
- Catholics and book centers: 138
- cinema: 469; 475; 478f
- cooperators: 398ff
- counteract with large, powerful, modern - : 53
- formation: 403f
- Gospel Day: 430; 433; for good motion pictures: 466
- immense: 53
- intellectual activism, collaborative: 250
- laity in the good press: 435
- libraries: 410; 418; 420; 422
- newspaper and bookseller: 448
- parish: 305
- Pious Society of Saint Paul: 440
- practical and wise people: 303f
- press: 15
- progress: 347
- promotion: 397; 401
- Provido sane Consilio: 254
- school: 251
- way of teaching: 249
- ways of: 400
- distribution: 306
- management: 305
- usefulness: 301
- what it is: 299; how it ought to be: 304f
v. Apostolate, Receiver, Necessity, Time
- Bible, with notes: 179
- collaboration: 57
- content and style in publications: 28f
- Councils of the Church: 135
- divine art of governing: 28f
- duty of Pastors: 28f
- exemplary conduct and knowledge: 210
- formation of pastors: 95; 209; 210
- geography: 345
- Gregory the Great: 158
- knowledge: 209
- like the Good Shepherd: 261; 384
- magazine: 355; 358
- one flock and one shepherd: 345; 368; 386
- parish gazette: 300ff; 304; 306
- parish libraries: 413; 416
- parish priest: 304
- pastoral zeal: 103
- popes used speech and writing: 135
- preferred form: 158; in choice of notes, low-cost price: 183
- press, extension of Christ in pastors: 388
- priest preacher: 65; 73
- publications for masses: 183
- reading: 417
- sheep outside of fold: 368
- voice of shepherds: 463
- activities in God: 272
- Apostle type: 36
- Attende tibi et doctrinæ... 70; Imitatores mei estote, sicut et ego Christi: 211; I will spend myself for your souls: 167
- disciples reproduced his letters for everyone: 379
- example of zeal: 8
- feel with him: 33; 36-37
- Ketteler: "If St Paul were alive today he would be a journalist": 481
- Letters, lofty, nourishing, difficult: 149; 174; 182
- pagan world, transformed in Christ: 350
- Peter and Paul: 71; 195; 276
- renew society in Christ: 175
- science, knowledge: 209
- secret of adaptation, charity: 37
- Pauline Family: 57
- religious apostles: 446
- religious writers: 438
v. Daily, Magazine, Press
- administration: 298
- distribution: 291ff
- editor: 298
- editorial: 296
- norms: 294ff
- technical: 297
- value of: 293ff
v. Church, Paul, Pastoral Care
- example of Peter, Popes use both spoken and written form of preaching: 135
- Peter and Paul divided up the world for evangelization: 195
- primacy: 190
- Thomistic, in publications: 367ff
- psychological power: 370ff
- use: 374ff; artistic use: 375f
- usefulness: 372ff
- female branch: 57; 436
- parallel Congregation, in aid of apostolate, linked with Pious Society of Saint Paul: 57
- promotion: 424
- 6; 7; 8; 17; 56
- begun in our times for publishing: 56ff
- Daughters of Saint Paul: 57
- have printed word of God penetrate everywhere: 441; 446
- house to house promotion: 443
- organization and simple and rapid means: 440
- press apostolate: editorial, technical and promotion: 436; 438; 440s; 444ff
- religious priests, brothers: 57
- religious-moral, intellectual and technical formation: 436ff
- submission to Superiors: 440
- twofold aim, general and special: 56
- and press: 14
- renew society in Christ: 175
- and cinema: 16
- Catholic Press International Exhibition: 15
- Divini illius magistri: 5
- radio: 16
- Vigilanti cura on Motion Pictures: 456; 457
- You are our very voice: 25
- power of the press, cinema and radio: 16
- follow policy of Pope: 364f
v. Church
- lives and works in publications: 257ff
- minister of grace: 261f
- model of justice: 258
- teacher of truth: 260
- examen of conscience: 107
- for the cinema: 467f
- for the missions: 336
- Oportet semper orare et non deficere: 69-70
- strength of the apostolate: 61
- to precede, guide and follow up the apostolate: 166
- and publishing: 12-13
- oral and written or imprinted: 13
v. Apostolate, Publication
- academic texts: 339
- adopted by Church: 133-138
- and cinema: 473ff
- collaboration with cinema: 474ff
- comes from God: 133-138
- daily newspaper: 284
- editorial, technical and distribution: 139ff; 438ff
- formation: 436
- importance according to Pius X: 14
- like apostolate of the word: 133; 136
- magazines and periodicals: 291ff
- omnipotent: 15
- origin and development: 133
- practiced worldwide: 133-138
- promotion: 382ff
- reproduces over and over: 15
- Scripture guidance publications: 183
- sins: 446-453
- Society of Saint Paul: 436ff
- technical: 377ff
- used in all apostolates: 137
v. Apostle, Pastoral Care
- develops the publishing apostolate: 48
- minister of publishing apostolate: 47; ordinary minister of spoken and published word: 49
- offers Christ to the Trinity and gives Christ to the world: 48
v. Method
- combat arms with arms: 12
- I count on God, I aim for God: 166
- practical - that commits all faculties: 105
v. Means, Necessity, Time
- apostolate: 8
- arts, science, human technique in the Vigilanti cura: 12
v. Apostolate, Receivers, Organization
- action, with various initiatives: 401
- biggest problem: 63
- business and begging?: 383
- center for distribution, formation and organization: 403f; how it works: 405ff
- charity of the truth: 384
- cooperation: 59
- dispenser of treasures: 385
- effective means: 423ff
- exercise of the apostolate: 441s
- extension of work of the Teacher: 382
- for those most in need: 384
- formation: 398f
- Gospel Day: 428ff
- house to house: 423ff
- importance and necessity: 385ff
- lamp, if hidden, does not give light: 386
- library: 410; 411; 413ff; 418
- meritorious work: 426ff
- method: 387
- nature: 383ff
- organization: 397ff
- outcasts, adversaries, impover-ished: 384
- promoter: 390-395; good angel: 384
- specific preparation: 391f
- spiritual and moral needs of peoples: 383
- tact and intuition: 395f
- third part of the press apostolate: 382
- upright intention: 393f
- ways and means, press, laws, environment: 391-392
- ways: 387ff
v. Apostolate
- academic texts: 339ff
- aim, glory of God and salvation of people's souls: 17
- and lay Catholics: 58ff
- apologetical: 275ff
- apostolate: 7
- ascetical and mystical theology: 214ff
- biblical: 168ff; 178ff
- bibliographic magazines: 351ff
- breadth, continuity, passion: 50ff
- catechetical: 246ff
- Church history: 187ff
- doctrine, faith, morals and worship: 18
- feel with Jesus Christ, the Church and Saint Paul: 33-37
- formation of the apostle: 64ff
- geography: 342ff
- hagiography and biography: 265ff
- importance: 13f
- light reading: 307ff
- literature for children: 315
- liturgy: 223ff
- Mary: 113-120; marian: 220
- means: 11ff
- meditation: 87-93
- method, basis: Christ Way, Truth and Life: 38ff
- mission activity: 328ff
- nature of the apostolate: 12
- needs of the times: 53ff
- order in the apostolate: 24f
- ordinary minister is priest: 47; 49; by election: 48; by reason of his of-fice: 48f
- parish bulletins: 299ff
- pastoral: 28-32
- Patristics: 235ff
- pictures: 370ff
- politics, social sciences, philosophy: 364ff
- Popes: 257ff
- preaching of God's word: 12-13
- religious, moral and spiritual instruction: 34
- reviews to be made conscientiously and competently: 356ff
- the apostle's Mass: 72ff
- theology: 209ff
- word and publication: 49
- act with daring: 480
- attempts and new visions: 480ff
- gift of God: 480ff
- instruction, education, civilization, for all peoples: 476; 483
- means of apostolate: 479
- need for a sense of direction: 478
- preeminent and unrivaled: 476
- problem of religion: 476ff
- proclaim it from the rooftops: 481
- promise for the future: 483
- Radio, the religious apostolate of Fr Facchinetti: 480; 481; 483
- saints at the microphone: 481
- "universal vehicle": 476
v. Receivers
- beginners, proficient, perfect: 153f
- categories: 154f
- teach taste through technique: 380ff
- light: 307-310
- models ("Promessi Sposi", Tobias): 312f
v. Apostle, Promotion
- associations: 388
- beginners, proficient, perfect: 153ff
- foreman, head teachers, authorities: 339; 388
- masses: 182; 275
- opponents, uneducated, indifferent and those thirsting for life: 214
- outcasts, adversaries, impoverished, heathens, those whose faith is un-dermined, the irresolute, those with concerns of government, responsi-bility, and work: 384
- people: 153
- people: 182; 275
- those who demand proof of Catholic truths: 275
v. Periodical
- complete, conscientious, competent: 356ff; 360ff
- discernment needed among so much printed matter: 362
v. Priest
- army for the apostolate: 54
- publishing apostle: 50ff
- special possibilities: 50ff
v. Imprimatur
- sun of the nations: 385
- object of publishing: 22
v. Hagiography
- of all: 161-162
- 448
v. Academic texts
- 339ff
- social, in publications: 365ff
v. Bible
- caused by the press, how to atone for them: 446ff
v. Formation
- apostolate: 65
- preparation for publishing apostolate: 66
- religion: 65
- secular sciences: 65
v. Apostolate, Means
- cooperation: 59
- educating readers' taste: 380ff
- exercise of the apostolate: 440f
- like the sensible element in the Sacraments: 381
- press: 377ff
- typographical work: 379
- mentioned (before 1944): 380
- academic: 339ff
- practical norms: 341f
- type of: 339
- ascetical and mystical: 214ff
- daily bread for the pastor: 209f
- practical norm for the apostle: 212ff
- useful for the faithful: 211f
v. Means, Necessity
- characterized by immense organization: 53
- 124
- third in the publishing order: 27
- Credo: 19
- flow from the heart and reach people: 385
- Pope, teacher of: 261
- press: 144ff
- revealed, taught by the Church: 162; 212f
- set out wholly in Theology: 19
- the true in doctrine in editorial work: 140
- way, truth and life: 189f
- writings of the apostle must be "Truth": 161
- of mind, heart, will: 80-86
- of Scripture: 121; 126-128
- theological and cardinal, object of publishing: 21
- audience, school with the Teacher: 94
- method in three parts: 94-99
- to the Blessed Sacrament: 94-100
- 337
- 160ff
- writings of the apostle must be "Way": 160
- examination of self: 106
- subject to Scripture: 127
- union with Christ Way: 82ff
- alive and active: 6; 13; 162
- reproduce it for all: 379
- Scripture: 13
- written and published: 13
- catechetical: 246ff
- missionary: 335
- of defense, enlightenment, encouragement, guidance: 214-222
- religious education, moral formation, spiritual life, of beneficence: 34
- "I am the Life" of publications: 21ff
- of God: 144
v. Publication, Editorial
- apostle of the Daily: 284
- arouse, support and train vocations: 333
- artistic style: 379
- God as model: 159ff
- is to utilize what Providence makes available: 380
- Life: 164
- missionary problem: 328ff
- needs of peoples: 383
- polished, elegant, popular and clear style: 161
- Scripture: 161; 325
- talented - : 378
- teacher, father, apostle: 378
- Truth: 162f
- Way: 160f
- write in a Christian way: 159; for children: 315; 320; of history and daily life: 326
- 8
- loving: 166